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Ziggs Build Guide by Portkthedork



Updated on February 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Portkthedork Build Guide By Portkthedork 1,974 Views 0 Comments
1,974 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Portkthedork Ziggs Build Guide By Portkthedork Updated on February 8, 2012
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I just wanted to say I really enjoy playing Ziggs from the day he got released to nowaday.
Hes totally worth buying and I hope you guys have as much fun playing him as I do.
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Summoner Spells

Flash and ignite are the most effective summoner spells in my opinion but u can ofcourse also take exhaust if your having trouble with AD's and ghost would probably be viable too but i wouldnt recommend it.
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Ranked Play

In ranked you will most likely be playing solo Top lane or solo Mid lane because of the awesomest pokes in the entire game.
Just throw your bomb and let it bounce and bounce, and bounce...and bounce...and bounce.. and bounce..
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Skill Sequence

Ziggs Is in my opinion after leblanc and Veigar the highest burst mage, but isnt the easiest because of all his spells being a skill-shot.
but dont think he is really hard just because i say it, i love to play him because I LOVE skill-shots, so if you love them too i'd say BUY!
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Pros / Cons

He is an AWESOME damage dealer, and is great with escaping because of his mine field and his Satchel charge, but when the enemy manages to get on you, he will probably be able to kill you(unless your really fed and you can oneshot him)

So hes an amazing Poker and damage dealer but overall a squishy target

Have fun playing him!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Portkthedork
Portkthedork Ziggs Guide
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