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Blitzcrank Build Guide by fOZKAR

Boom Boom Blitzcrank

Boom Boom Blitzcrank

Updated on August 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fOZKAR Build Guide By fOZKAR 3,330 Views 0 Comments
3,330 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author fOZKAR Blitzcrank Build Guide By fOZKAR Updated on August 7, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



The city of Zaun is a place where both magic and science have gone awry. The unchecked nature of experimentation has taken its toll on the city. However, Zaun's lenient restrictions allow their researchers and inventors the leeway to push the bounds of science at an accelerated rate, for better or worse. It was under these conditions that a team of doctoral students from Zaun's College of Techmaturgy made a breakthrough in the field of intelligent steam automation. Their creation, the steam golem Blitzcrank, was developed to exercise judgment on-the-fly in order to assist with Zaun's hazardous waste reclamation process, since so often the conditions did not allow for human supervision. However, he soon began exhibiting unforeseen behaviors.

Over time, the scientists were able to identify a demonstrated learning process, and Blitzcrank fast became a celebrity. As is sadly often the case though, credit for the golem's creation was scooped up by another - Professor Stanwick Pididly - though most now know the truth. In the wake of the ensuing legal maelstrom, it became evident that neither party truly had the steam golem's best interests at heart, and Blitzcrank humbly petitioned for personal autonomy. Backed by overwhelming support from the public, it took the liberal Council of Zaun only a few weeks to declare Blitzcrank a fully-independent, sentient entity. A unique being, the golem left Zaun, distressed by the controversy and feeling there was no place he could fit in. His travels led him to the one location in Valoran where unique beings have a place - the League of Legends. Fortunately, he was easily able to adapt his design to suit the rigors he would face on the Fields of Justice.

Though Blitzcrank may batter anything that stands in his way, he really has a heart of gold...encased in a framework of a carapace of steel.
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This build is for AP/tank Blitzcrank. Try it before voting, hater be hatin

Hello everyone this is my first build im looking forward to get feedback HEHEHEHE.

Why AP?
Sometimes I don't like sticking to the mainstream. Since most people play Blitzcrank as AD/Mana, then hell yeah I wanna go for AP, if it's a viable option. Also it would be stupid to write another AD/Mana based guide to Mobafire, since there are so many already.
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Pros / Cons

+ Really ****in awesome
+ Awesome Ap tank
+ Looks cool
+ Grab + Fist combo is awesome near turrets
+ Amazing chaser
+ AOE ulti

- Hard to master
- Not great early game farmer
- Vulnerable to CC
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Creeping / Jungling

When you get lvl 6 go take golem buff, then you can spam hook its awesome.

If you have a jungeler on the team take it anyway, **** him!

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Use these masteries and you will pwn rape some butt!

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It's very simple to gank with blitzcrank. Three words .... Grab That Biatch!

Blitzcrank ganks will allmost everytime result with a kill beocouse hes a great chaser.
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I use these runes becouse they are awesome.


I take the magic pen. and ability power for some nuking and magic resist for the tanking.
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Summoner Spells

Flash for escape or catch up and same for ghost. I also use Flash cleanse sometimes, its good too xP
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Team Work

Good team work is vital in League of Legends. When playing in Ranked at least say hi when it starts to show that you aren't afk and ready to play. Nothing is worse than zero team communication even after asking your team who they want to be where they want to be then ending up with 3 AP carries and 2 AP tanks just because everyone is playing who they wanted when knowing that beforehand you would have gladly gone AD.

Also, another thing I like to do is establish some quick communication the team can use. Such as pinging Nexus. I often tell my team to ping our nexus if they want me or another team member to activate their fortify or something similar.

While playing Blitz you need to quickly get a reading on the skill levels on your team. You need to know that just because you got the perfect pull doesn't mean your team is good enough to do anything with it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fOZKAR
fOZKAR Blitzcrank Guide
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Boom Boom Blitzcrank

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