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Swain Build Guide by e Motion

Cant Kill Swain WTF :O

Cant Kill Swain WTF :O

Updated on February 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author e Motion Build Guide By e Motion 2,593 Views 0 Comments
2,593 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author e Motion Swain Build Guide By e Motion Updated on February 11, 2012
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Hello summoner! This is my first build, so I'm verry curios about you'r opinion. I decided to make a build for Swain becauze I saw a lot of summoners playing him, and they coulden't use hes skill combo and they couln't know what to buy for him. (I can't write werry correctly in english but I try my best)
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My runas are based on early game! A little msgick penetration for fightning vs a champion whith preaty low magick resistenc garants you a high amount of dmg. The rest of the runas are AP/lvl and flat AP, becauze they will garant you near magick penetration a lot of AP in early, so you can get the first blood, witch can help u alot.
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    Boots of speed :
- Whith this start u can eazy last hit minions so u can farm better, u can escape from the enemy team ganks in early game, and u can get the first blood.

Health Potion :- With the health potions u can stay much more at you'r lane so can farm more minions and lvl up faster. They can escape you from ignite. I recomend u to buy 3 of them to more protection.

Catalyst the protector :- This item can actually give healt and mana for you when lvl up, so it helps you to stay longer at your lane, not to fall beck.

Sorcerer's shoez :- I thing this a basic item for mages.

Road of age's :- The is the moust usefull item for mage's in early and mid game. It gives for you health, mana, AP. I recomnd you to buy this item as fast you can to gine 2AP/min 18HP/min and 20MN/min up to 180 HP, 200 MN and 20 AP.

Will of the Ancients : Your text to link here... - This is the 1. moust important item for Swain. For hes ultimate you need this. It will gine like 100-130 HP/sec(depends on your AP), so you can start now the teamfights if ur team dosen;t have tank.

Needlessly Large Rod : Your text to link here... - Buying this item sould start the late game for you. It will garant More AP then your enemy has in the same time ( you sould be feeded at this point of the game) so you can catch up more easily kills.

Rabadons Cap : Your text to link here... - U need thiis item to have the highest Ap possible in the late game. After you bought Rabadons Cap you will have kind of 400 Ap. (iff you fallowed my item build before)

Giant's belt : Your text to link here... - I buy this, to have health in fights pecauze you will be focusd by the enemy team.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter : Your text to link here... - This item + your ultimate can u make invicible. The birds (from ulti) slow the enemy target, so u can escape or the enemy can't escape from you.

Zhonya's Hourglass : Your text to link here... - With thi you complet yor item build. It can make you from 300 HP to 80% HP. You Swains ulti, then Zhonya's and you cant die only heal yourself.
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Skill sequence

I start with torment becauze it can deal up to 90 dmg, so it gives to you a nice early dmg. I pick Nevermove second time, so you can cost torment on the enemy more ease, and after it u can fall beck. Decrepify, for me, is the 3. spell learned. With this you can now start chasing the enemy.
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Skill Combo

I always start with my ultimate, becauze you never know what will heppen in the future, so it is much more safety to you to start with the "healer" skill. After the ulti I chase nevermove to stop the enmy, so after it the team can atack the enemy, with can't move.

So the order of skills: AVENOUS FLOCK ---> NEVERMOVE ---> TORMENT ---> DECREPIFY
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League of Legends Build Guide Author e Motion
e Motion Swain Guide
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Cant Kill Swain WTF :O

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