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Poppy Build Guide by SpDirl

Cant Stoppy The Poppy(Dominion)

Cant Stoppy The Poppy(Dominion)

Updated on September 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SpDirl Build Guide By SpDirl 14,568 Views 2 Comments
14,568 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SpDirl Poppy Build Guide By SpDirl Updated on September 27, 2011
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Cant Stoppy The Poppy(Dominion)

1st off THANK YOU for coming and checking out my 1st guide!

I'm curios to see some tier lists but i am willing to bet POPPY will be one of the highest tiers!


QQQ For 1k+ Damage
Distance closer
Crazy Tower Diving Ultimate
A BEAST once fed
Extremely good chaser
Hard to take down (passive) & (ULT)

Picked on by ranged
Terrible farmer
Vulnerable to cc
Not very powerful early game

Difference that make her a BIGGER FACTOR in DOMINION

1. She was a slow starter before. Now starting @ Level 3 with a SHEEN makes her Q hit very hard at the start of a DOM game.

2. Her stun is much more of a factor because there are tons of walls and almost nowhere to run to stay away from a wall. More stuns = more DPS.

3. Poppy W Spammed with Ghost to start a DOM game will help you get the Windmill turret very fast.

4. If poppy solo's Bottom lane in DOM it is almost impossible to take the tower from her. She can heal crazy fast because the port time is insanely fast now. Then W or ghost and be right back at the tower. Her ult makes it very hard to people to tower dive you. If a squishy gets cocky and dives ult her throw that ***** into a wall Q her and i bet she will be dead....

Short and Simple! Good Luck with the Build because that's what it is... Not really a guide because poppy has been around forever and honestly i dont even know how to use her well and i still rape lol! Good Luck he is a few screens so far!

More updates to come! I will make this a guide is people like it!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SpDirl
SpDirl Poppy Guide
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