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Cassiopeia Build Guide by Reedamy



Updated on December 1, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Reedamy Build Guide By Reedamy 2,692 Views 0 Comments
2,692 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Reedamy Cassiopeia Build Guide By Reedamy Updated on December 1, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Pros / Cons

great mid champ
high dmg
good farmer
my build makes her a tough champion
sexy damce

Extreamely mana hungry early game
slow moverment
auto attacks slow if you wanna last hit, needs timing
hard to master
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hi and welcome to my first try in making a build, allready now i will exuse for my poorly gramma :3
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the runes are simply for a standard caster (Oriana, Zilian etc) when i play special mages (Vlad, Kat, Ryze*, kennen) ill swarp the mp for either HP per lvl or mana.

*when i play ryze ill go for rediculus atmount of mana :3
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the same goes for masteries as for runes, standart for cassiopia as the mage she now is :)
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Summoner Spells

ill go with teleport (when im in mid)
and flash is a must havegood for jumping walls for exape/chase

if you are in lane and dont want teleport ill go for Ghost,Flash
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this sexy snake got a nice way to burn all of your mana is your aggresive in gameplay and thats why i go for 3 rings to start with. gives me an advantice and hp for durrebelity

other items on her is just awesome, like the Crystal scepter, every tic of her poison will trigger the slow = awesomeness
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Skill Sequence

hit your enemy with your Q for dmg and your W for lure then in a slow.
when your enemy is poisoned spam your E on them (ill hold down my Shift-key and mouse over the champ im trying to kill while pressing E) you ulti is awesome for exape or heavy dmg/stun in Team fights.
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if you can keep a cool head and do your stuff like i tend to sometimes ( :3 ) you can be deadly and people will rage on you.
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Lane Buddies

you you have a Teemo/Singed in you team, ask then for ealy poison dart/tail, and then you can go for twin fangs for nice dmg ealy on

hope you liked this guide, and i will be glad for some good words/critisism

NoE Moralzz
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Reedamy
Reedamy Cassiopeia Guide
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