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Cassiopeia Build Guide by Metalgodzilla

Cassiopeia the Serpent Embrace

Cassiopeia the Serpent Embrace

Updated on December 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Metalgodzilla Build Guide By Metalgodzilla 2,062 Views 0 Comments
2,062 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Metalgodzilla Cassiopeia Build Guide By Metalgodzilla Updated on December 11, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Cassiopeia is one of the best harassment AP champion in my opinion. She has great farming ability with just her Noxious Blast alone and even better with her that and her Miasma. Great harassment in lane with her Twin Fang. She has amazing team fight support with Petrifying Gaze and all her other AOE abilities.

In the early game she has great harassment in all lanes. She is not that bad of a jungler but seeing the new jungle its not hard to really jungle with anyone minus a few. Mid game is where she starts getting lethal. End game is where she can take on multiple people down if you know how to play her well enough as with most champions.

I play Cassiopeia as a high survival ability Ap nuke. Where you can survive most of the fight in order to do your sustain damage. This build can make you carry some what but doesn't have the high burst as the other builds i have seen.
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I use these runes for most of the ap champions i have because you have damage early game which most runes are used for.You can substitute some of the runes for magic penetration runes it doesn't really matter.
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Cassiopeia is a very offensive champion so you want to focus on the offensive tree but she is very mana hungry early game even with her passive. So you want that mana regeneration in utility. She is not one of the major burst damage as i have said its very flat damage out put when they are poisoned and being hit by you Twin Fang so that why i don't get executioner.
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Pros / Cons

    Great harassment
    Amazing CC with Ultimate
    3 AOEs
    Not Easy to Counter

    Very Little Mobility
    Focused in Team Fights
    Skill Shot Heavy
    Difficult Playing Style
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Metalgodzilla
Metalgodzilla Cassiopeia Guide
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Cassiopeia the Serpent Embrace

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