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Leona Build Guide by CelticGamer

CelticGamers build

CelticGamers build

Updated on July 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CelticGamer Build Guide By CelticGamer 1,485 Views 0 Comments
1,485 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CelticGamer Leona Build Guide By CelticGamer Updated on July 18, 2011
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Chapter 1

be aware this is my first guide on here, this is a tank/ap guide, your getting your shield first because it helps with tanking in early game, and also it deals dmg to surrounding champs, your next getting your stun, which will help support your team as well in early game fights and late game fights next level is your sheild again, it really does help you loads in fights, so whenever initiating fights , be sure to turn that shield on. next level you finnaly get your sword throw thing, use this to dash to bad champs then stun then turn your shield on, next you get another shield , ya same as last time lol, finnaly you get your ult.. try useing after u stun somebody be sure to get them in the middle of it to stun them with it. this is all i really have to say about leona shes a good tank, and is amazing late game if played right, so keep playing her till you get it right, and remember this was my first guide so dont be to harsh on the comments :P
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CelticGamer
CelticGamer Leona Guide
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