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Vex Build Guide by Doglightning

Support [Challenger] 😈Vex Support Guide😈

Support [Challenger] 😈Vex Support Guide😈

Updated on February 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Build Guide By Doglightning 358 35 681,132 Views 28 Comments
358 35 681,132 Views 28 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Vex Build Guide By Doglightning Updated on February 14, 2024
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Malucio | June 19, 2022 1:43pm
Thanks, my buddies wanted to do a stupid yordle lane and I didn't had Lulu. ♥
elpakito | November 19, 2021 6:46am
Isnt Everfrost way more viable now that the price was reduced? I still dont know if the 300 difference overpowers the cost efficiency of mandate, just wondering
Doglightning (13) | November 21, 2021 2:56pm
I think shattered Queen is best now for her but I updated guide! Mandate seems good with glacial tho it AoE procs it.
max660 | November 17, 2021 4:30am
There will be an 11.23 patch for this guide?
Doglightning (13) | November 21, 2021 2:55pm
I updated the TLDR at the top!
max660 | November 22, 2021 9:56am
thanks, i'll try the new runes asap.
i kinda prefer the second over the other two. But i'm still running the older one with the resolve+inspiration (let me to play more safely).
Also thanks for the items, i've tried the crown but the mandate is much more impactful imho.
And last note, it will be great if you add combos and weaknesess with other champs like in the other guides ( if possible)
anyway thanks for your updates (and also sorry for bad english)
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Doglightning (13) | November 17, 2021 9:18am
I have like 12 guides so this weekend ima try and just get the tldr at the top done for all my guides then week by week do 1 at a time for the meat. TLDR tho zhonyas into shatter queen on her
wheelshoe | October 30, 2021 6:45pm
very good. just got an s on her :) my favorite vex supp guide
Doglightning (13) | November 8, 2021 10:26am
pog ima update for preseason but Im glad you enjoy it <3
Karinutsa (94) | October 11, 2021 2:40am
Cannot wait to give this guide and Vex supp a try. :)
Doglightning (13) | November 8, 2021 10:26am
hope it goes well!!!!
Electrolite | October 3, 2021 2:47am
They are going to buff Imperial Mandate next patch maybe this will make this path more viable.
Doglightning (13) | October 7, 2021 10:24am
yeah I've been liking locket recently better but def will help
Nimishai | September 30, 2021 12:30pm
I use the tank one but i maybe use aftershock or the other one
Doglightning (13) | October 7, 2021 10:25am
its all playstlye so do what you like. Only thing is if you fear them and it goes on cd and then they engage on you its kinda bad
Metallichydra (20) | September 27, 2021 10:02am
I saw that you have made 3 rune pages, and from what I can see, one of them (the tank-y one) is what you personally use. You're also in grandmaster.
I've tried your tank-y rune page and build because honestly I am not a big fan of burst mages, but it didn't go all that well. Don't get me wrong, it went okay, but there was some problems, and I was wondering which of these builds is best in lower elo's / ranks.
Doglightning (13) | October 7, 2021 10:25am
ele is best if wanting to all in. Comet is best for poke. Overall I think guardian is most consistant but pick what matchs your playstlyle best
DrTac | September 27, 2021 5:02am
Finally a wholesome thing after Off-meta Lissandra support, back to her hayday shortly after rework...
P/S: Why is there no aftershock option combine with FoL as we have so much fear available? Im genuinely surprised, Aftershock soaks initial damage better in laning phase...
Doglightning (13) | October 7, 2021 10:26am
your fear is ranged so you wont get dmg off and it will go on cd when the enemy isnt even on you
Dnisify | September 24, 2021 6:02pm
neat guide, ngl Vex totally works as an AP heavy sup. supported my friend in a couple of games and so far we were killin' it.
DrTac | September 27, 2021 5:06am
Did you try buying Tear and Dark Seal after first back for snowballing with Mejais and Archangel?
Dnisify | September 28, 2021 1:56am
Now that you mention it: I haven't tried it yet. I've been mostly going for Lyandris Early and Banshees since most situations kinda forced me to build anti CC.
Note: I'm Low Elo so I experience all the pain.
TheImmortalEye (15) | September 24, 2021 1:34am
as always great guide, im really interrested if she can actually fit in as a niche counterpick mage ( mage poppy sup basicly) or if she truly is mostly mid, she has good ap scalings and weaker base numbers and lower ranges than brand , zyra and to a degree even our girl neeko aswell the that her main cc is slightly unreliable, but hey i will try it to 80k and look XD
Doglightning (13) | September 24, 2021 8:42am
yeah she felt not bad tbh went 5-3 on low diamond account playing her but I ended up liking a tank version of her better ima update the guide by 2morrow with it. Her engage feels super op but yes her regular cc is a bit less reliable. If you play back and just play to counter engage and peel tho its hard to miss and only use ult to go in
Neeko Neeko Niii (1) | September 23, 2021 6:10pm
great guide
Doglightning (13) | October 7, 2021 10:27am
no u
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[Challenger] 😈Vex Support Guide😈

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