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Corki Build Guide by pieater

corki epic pownage (5vs5 solo mid build)

corki epic pownage (5vs5 solo mid build)

Updated on November 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pieater Build Guide By pieater 5,827 Views 0 Comments
5,827 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author pieater Corki Build Guide By pieater Updated on November 16, 2011
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laning/positioning in team fights

you should lane in solo mid on 5vs5 or solo top in 3vs3 and always stay behind your team and with your ultimate you can attack behind walls on dominion go solo bot stay closer to the hp pack than your oppponet to give you an edge over them
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corki is very good at farming with his missile barrage and gatling gun after getting a sheen
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summoner spells

in classic take one of the following summoner spells:
heal:useful for all carries and supports becuase they get focused down
teleport:perfect for carries soloing any lane
flash:helps you catch up to the enemy or escape
surge:(1 of the new spells avaiable) gives extra attack speed and ablity power which is what you need to be a succeful corki
exhaust:smae reason as flash but better reduces their damage output and item damage
in dominion take one of the following:(reason why check clasic)
ghost: helps you chase enemies and or escape and get to enemy capture points fast or your team point undere attack
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Pros / Cons

can deal burst damage
farms extremly well
good harraser late game
gets focused in team fights
weaker early game than other champions
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League of Legends Build Guide Author pieater
pieater Corki Guide
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corki epic pownage (5vs5 solo mid build)

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