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Corki Build Guide by katanafreak

corki pure ad(easy ranked)

corki pure ad(easy ranked)

Updated on November 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author katanafreak Build Guide By katanafreak 4 2 6,514 Views 2 Comments
4 2 6,514 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author katanafreak Corki Build Guide By katanafreak Updated on November 29, 2011
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introduction/ tips

This build for corki can get you to go 20-0 in a ranked game, the way to use corki is harres with your auto attack and ult then after they get low enough for you to engage you start gattling gun then if they flash or run valkrie to them and q, if they get out of range hit them with your ult.
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Summoners spells

Exhust: is now good cause you can run with w or chase with w

Ghost: can make you a effictive chaser and runner

flash: Flash is good for fast running or fast chasing, it can also go through walls
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laning partners

the best laning partners with corki are shaco alistar swain amumu gragas cho gath and blitz , because they have alot of cc and can stop them from killing you very fast (because corki is very squishy)

The bad lane partners are kat fid heim veigar heim and singed, cause they are very squishy just like you(heim fid veigar) and the other reasons are kat will abonden you after shunpo and you will die or singed will fling them into you.

The rest of the heros arent to bad, but arent great ethier
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    'fast killer
    'great base stats
    'good runner
    'good harreser
    'not to great early
    'expensive build
    'bad team=bad corki(mostly)
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How to play corki

Corki is a squishy ranged ad carry that can demolish you if you give him the chance, the way to demolish on him are these way. harres with ult and auto attacks or q (not the best way). another way is to just try to lure them into turret.
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Skill sequence

You want gattling gun upgraded first because it can do another attack for you damage wise.
You want philo second because it can be good for last second farming and some whole team damage
Valkrie you want last because it doesnt do any damage and its only good for running and chasing.
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These items make you do alot of damage and alot of it fast. because of your boots phantom dancer, boots and black clevar you attack at speeds faster than his movement. Blood thrister black clevar last whisper and frozen mallet are responsible for his damage. If they start doing ALOT of damage sell black clever and get gurdian angel
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Your welcome

This is my build, if you need any more help place a comment and please like this.
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