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Corki Build Guide by MrTurlesgaming

corki the great bomb- ahh screw it this guy is AMAZING!!

corki the great bomb- ahh screw it this guy is AMAZING!!

Updated on September 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrTurlesgaming Build Guide By MrTurlesgaming 1,798 Views 0 Comments
1,798 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MrTurlesgaming Corki Build Guide By MrTurlesgaming Updated on September 12, 2012
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]first off this a test build i never used this my self BUT i have played a lot of Corki so i know a little of what im talking about.Heads up you do need some skill for this guy to work but for the most part corki is amazing now to the rest of the guide
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again this is a test but this is what ill be using it will give you will be able to stay in lane
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with this build you will be able to deal a LOT OF DAMAGE and have a small durability
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i recommend this because in the end you will have decent survivability but items can change like if you are in lane with casters get mercury's treads and get thorn mail or frozen heart for physical damage dealers but i recommend frozen heart for mana and armor but get thorn mail if you have less money but for the most part try to stick with this build

begin with boot 3 health bots >ninga tabi >(bf >pickaxe > cloak)>ifnitey edge>bf or scepter whatever you want> blood thister >(shen>zeal>phage)triforce >(negatron cloak> regrowth)F.O.N
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Skill Sequence

pretty self explanatory
1.Gatling gun first so you can do heavy damage with this
2.bomb to do even more damage
3. valkrine to escape:P
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Summoner Spells

flash and ignite or exhaust or ghost chooses what ever fits you best or what available to you
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Pros / Cons

[*] pro
high damage and burst
good late mid and early game
valkrine can serve as defense option
hard to master
no hard CC
hard to get away
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Nice farming just last hit (if u can spend the mana use gatling gun to farm)
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Team Work

TEAM FIGHTS:if you have at least triforce use gatling auto bomb auto rocket auto and so on and use valkrine to catch up or get away from fights fyi, u can valkrine over walls
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Unique Skills

i dont know:P
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Ranked Play

never tried:l
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Creeping / Jungling

i guess you can to get buffs
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overall:TONS OF DAMAGE ..... and some durability
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrTurlesgaming
MrTurlesgaming Corki Guide
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corki the great bomb- ahh screw it this guy is AMAZING!!

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