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Sejuani Build Guide by Traceblellol

Crazy Boar!

Crazy Boar!

Updated on September 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Traceblellol Build Guide By Traceblellol 2,227 Views 2 Comments
2,227 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Traceblellol Sejuani Build Guide By Traceblellol Updated on September 11, 2012
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Welcome to the Sej support guide. I know, you're thinking this build is **** but you have to trust me and go for it. Death is one of the boar's favorite hobbies so make sure he's happy and charge into team fights first.
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I go with these runes because the boar is crazy, he likes to hop into team fights without a care in the world. These runes keep you alive while your boar is sniffing out enemy champs
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(same reason as why you have the runes)
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Doran's shield>Everything. Wards? don't need it with sej's passive to smell out invisible champs and danger coming to his lane.
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Skill Sequence

HAVE to get arctic assault first. Once you go in you can't go back out, so closing the gap is easier with this skill set in mind.
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Summoner Spells

I always go flash and heal because sometimes your boar gets you caught in a 1v5 situation and you just need to run outta there. Flash and heal should help you escape any situations, unless you boar is crazy and wants to go back in
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So basically this guide is amazing. I use it all the time and I stomp on bot lanes. Go try it out then give me some feedback on how AWESOME you did supporting.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Traceblellol
Traceblellol Sejuani Guide
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Crazy Boar!

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