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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Yeltin

Cute Robot (Tank Small AD)

Cute Robot (Tank Small AD)

Updated on August 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yeltin Build Guide By Yeltin 2,798 Views 0 Comments
2,798 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Yeltin Blitzcrank Build Guide By Yeltin Updated on August 18, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Clairvoyance


Why I Made A Tank Build

Well I figured out that hybrids, AD, AP champs die a lot so I decided I should go make a tank build. I have used MOBAfire a lot and use builds from them so I want to return the favor.
Well I figured out since I am using a lot of ip on runes I decided that I should use a free champion, and as Blitzcank is probably the most op tank out there i mite as well play him.
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Spell Use/ Ability Combo

Well exhaust is a very important early spell in the game it goes with the ability Q (Rocket Grab) I will explain how that works its fairly simple first you use Q then you exhaust them and if you are level two you should toss them up in the air after that and let your enemies beat on them.
Cliarvoyance is good for pulling out people where you think they are ganking with its 50 seconds cooldown. So gather up your team, then use that spell where you think your enemy is ganking pick one out take them out and rush in on the other two, its also good to check on dragon/baron. And remember with Q you can pull them through the wall. In 3v3 it is a good use hide in a empty dragon room (in 3v3) pull a champ through the wall and take them out with your teammates. This is a good way to get back in the game if you are under leveled.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yeltin
Yeltin Blitzcrank Guide
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Cute Robot (Tank Small AD)

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