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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Crimson Pact (PASSIVE)
Vladimir Passive Ability
It's best to upgrade your Transfusion as soon as possible so that you can steal health better and faster. This will help keep you in lane and shove your opponent off of the minion farm. Tides of Blood is second most important to max out because it increases healing effects and becomes your hardest hitting ability at max stacks. Sanguine Pool should only be used if you are diving and want to avoid getting hit by a turret or champion or if you are avoiding a gank/damage in general, however, Sanguine Pool will not avoid damage from DoT's that are put on your prior to you entering it, you will still take damage from champions like Swain, Cassiopeia, Malzahar, and you will take damage from Ignite if cast on you before you use Sanguine Pool. Hemoplague should be used at the beginning of your burst to ensure that you do the highest amount of damage possible.
Vladimir's passive scales best with the conversion from AP to health, so health runes and defensive runes really aren't necessary. AP runes and magic penetration runes will give you a huge boost over your enemy at the start of the game and you will snowball into an unstoppable mass of death and destruction mid and late game.
You won't be in need of much health items, so Rylai's Crystal Scepter should do the trick. You should end up around 4k hp at the end of this build with about 700 AP. You need spell vamp so that you can stay in lane even easier than before while being able to harass more often. Void Staff is important in case your enemy decides to get any MR, this will let you harass with impunity and keep him/her off of the minions.
Don't be afraid to use Transfusion to last hit minions, it does a lot more damage than your auto-attack and it heals you. Your Tides of Blood will become invaluable when farming, allowing you to destroy entire minion waves with just one cast. You shouldn't use Sanguine Pool often because it's your main method for escaping, it's not even beneficial to farm with unless there are 20+ minions in the area.
If you follow this simple, yet thorough guide, you will find yourself among some of the top Vladimir players in your league. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact me and let me know! I hope I can help somehow! Also, feel free to give suggestions on what you would change!
P.S. The numbers shown here are not accurate, for some reason, this site doesn't like to take into consideration his passive or percentages in general.
P.S. The numbers shown here are not accurate, for some reason, this site doesn't like to take into consideration his passive or percentages in general.
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