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Skarner Build Guide by HeWhoWalksBehind

Death Of A Thousand Cuts

Death Of A Thousand Cuts

Updated on November 7, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HeWhoWalksBehind Build Guide By HeWhoWalksBehind 1,964 Views 0 Comments
1,964 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HeWhoWalksBehind Skarner Build Guide By HeWhoWalksBehind Updated on November 7, 2011
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So you've decided to play Skarner. Congtratz, you're one of maybe a hundred Skarner Players on League. He's one of the most underestimated and underplayed Champs in the game, So most people will not see the utter devastation coming. This build is meant to simply ping the enemy to death quite rapidly. If played right only a fed yi, tryn, or kickass tank should be able to fight you in a 1v1.

In teamfights, just pick the biggest threat out, Ult him, and beat him mercilessly.

Yes You will be squishy as all hell, and if you've got a problem with this, eplace the black cleaver with a blood thirster or warmogs, your call. I prefer the speed.

This is a hybrid DPS build if you couldn't already tell.
Simplistic guide? Well yeah, I'm not going to explain every aspect of League... Just use your gut if you don't know what to do.
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Juiced Attack Speed is for two purposes: Being one half of the hybrid DPs, and CD reduction. The more you attack the faster your abilities Cooldown, so with attack speed this high, you'll be able to win in just about any scenario.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HeWhoWalksBehind
HeWhoWalksBehind Skarner Guide
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Death Of A Thousand Cuts

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