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Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
This is not a short guide, and I don't refrain from describing my reasons and advice in great detail. If you're looking for a way to build Nocturne and don't have time to read my guide, simply consult the build above. If you wish to learn more about how to play jungle Nocturne however, or are surprised at my choice of items, runes or masteries, please read on.
If you find my build odd, I encourage you to read the reasons I give before condemning my choice. If you have any questions, please check the appropriate section of the guide first to see if it has already been answered. It is possible that these builds do not fit everyone's play style.
As a final note, this is not a lane guide. If you want to play Nocturne in lane (for some weird reason), the build will still work just fine. Simply ignore the jungling sections and play normally, though Nocturne is such a strong jungler, his potential is a bit squandered in lane.
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