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Diana Build Guide by Yasmaste

Jungle Diana Guide Season 12

Jungle Diana Guide Season 12

Updated on January 22, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yasmaste Build Guide By Yasmaste 9,264 Views 1 Comments
9,264 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Yasmaste Diana Build Guide By Yasmaste Updated on January 22, 2022
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Runes: electrocute

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Diana Guide Season 12

By Yasmaste
Diana is one of the easiest to play AP hard carry champs you can pick up for your roster. Her kit and rune options allow you to have superb gap closing, extreme burst, and sustained damage in one champion; which allow her to pick between becoming a bruiser, AP assassin, or most recently a tank. A champion that can adapt to your playstyle.
laning phase(mid)
Crescent Strike allows Diana to wave clear while poking the enemy laner at the same time, but it can be hard to use when you're not trying to push the wave. There's a general rule of thumb with Diana. Since Crescent Strike arches counter-clockwise, you want to position yourself so that the wave is on Diana's right side to catch all the minions when you want to hard push. Alternatively, you line up with the wave when you don't want to hard push to avoid hitting all the minions. Remember, the best use of Crescent Strike is to get CS while poking the enemy laner at the same time. It will save the most mana, and hopefully, allow an all-in the moment you hit level 6 to kill the enemy with Moonfall.

Your passive, Moonsilver Blade is another thing to be aware of. Since it turns your autos into an AOE attack that applies AP damage, so it's good to save it for the casters after you hit them with Crescent Strike for an almost instant clear from the mid-game onwards.

Don't be afraid to use Pale Cascade for CS when farming under turret, or when you want to clear a wave quickly to go help out at the river. However, keep in mind that you do not want to go in for a fight when Pale Cascade is on cooldown.


You do not want to fight levels 1-2 in most scenarios, they'll probably end up in your loss. At most, if you're forced, try to land an Electrocute proc (if you're playing burst Diana) and back off immediately in these levels. DPS Diana can take on more fights levels 1-2, but it's still a safer bet to back off and safely CS until level 3 to use Lunar Rush. Due to this disadvantage, you want to let yourself get pushed closer to your turret so that you can catch them at a good spot once you hit your level 3 power spike.

Getting level 3 against an immobile champion is mortal for them. As long as they don't have hard cc, or if they have it on cooldown, it is very likely that you can kill them or force them out of lane until they recall. When you do force them out of the wave, you will want to hard push it into the enemy turret to avoid them from recalling or force them to miss CS while you recall and then teleport back to lane. If it's successful, you will hopefully be back in the lane with a second Doran's Ring and extreme pressure on the enemy laner. Do not let him recall comfortably, if they're low hp just keep using Crescent Strike on them to avoid the recall even if it means you take one turret shot; as long as you're healthy. Heads up, there is no need to play the lane this aggressively every game at level 3 or in the game at all. There are other ways to play the lane, and you don't want to play the same way against all your matchups. Safely farming and waiting for a jungle gank is also good, remember all you want is to get a kill or two to snowball into your mid-game well.


If you find yourself against something like a Talon, do not try to counter roam another lane or follow him to his gank. He will outrun you, get there before you, and the fight will be over before you even get there and you will have wasted time running around the jungle. You want to stick to your lane and get turret plating. Diana gets turrets really fast thanks to Moonsilver Blade and the attack speed boost you get from using your abilities. By the time Talon gets back to his lane, you will have probably taken 1 or 2 plates and be ahead of him in CS. If he keeps roaming, you keep punishing him like that and you will eventually have taken turret before he has even gotten to yours. The same applies to champions that want to roam, or if you see a player that tends to roam too much.

If their roam wasn't successful and you see them walking back up to the mid lane, hopefully with some missing hp, you can wait for them in the river bush and catch them off guard. If you have level 6 it will most probably be a kill.


Be ready to help out your jungler in scuttle fights and to back him up on invades. If you see that he's going up to secure scuttle, you hover over that side of the lane ready to back him up in case a scuttle fight breaks out. You go help him as long as the mid lane prio is at least equal. If you're getting pushed in, make sure you notify your jungler that you will be on a delay to help him in a fight. If you see the enemy jungler ganking bot, for example, while your jungler is on the top side, hard push your wave to allow a safer invade top side for your jungle and hover him to go to his help if needed.


Look to safely poke them with Crescent Strike and avoid lengthy trades, or any trades at all if you can. Just keep poking while farming as best as you can and wait for a jungle gank to help you out. It is important to not fall behind by dying and missing XP, since it can be hard for Diana to get back into the game without kills.


Avoid 1v1 fights, unless you're playing burst Diana and you find a half health adc you can take down in one combo. Look to side push and get solo XP, but keep your eyes on the map to not get collapsed on. If you have vision of the entire enemy team and they're far away enough, split push for a turret. But if any enemy champion goes missing, assume they're coming for you and back off.


Diana excels at split pushing thanks to her kit. She can melt down turrets from using abilities that grant her attack speed and her passive that lets you apply AP damage to turrets on every third AA. If someone that isn't a Fiora or a tank comes to match you, you can full combo them with Q-E-AA-W-AA-R-AA-E as long as they're squishy. If someone less squishy comes up, you can wait for them in a bush to push the wave back and then engage on them and chase them back to their turret. Save Moonfall for the moment they get close to their turret to pull them back out and don't use Lunar Rush without moonlight applied unless they flash. After getting a kill, you will probably be able to get a turret while the enemy team tries to rotate to match you. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE VISION IN THE JUNGLE. You want to ward bushes getting to the lane you're split pushing in. You do not want to get collapsed on from having no vision of the enemy team.
Red-golems-raptors-wolves-blue and gromp(same time)

your time need to be something like 3:25 max.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Yasmaste
Yasmaste Diana Guide
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Diana Guide Season 12

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