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Poppy Build Guide by plexxis

dominion destroyer

dominion destroyer

Updated on October 22, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author plexxis Build Guide By plexxis 1,891 Views 0 Comments
1,891 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author plexxis Poppy Build Guide By plexxis Updated on October 22, 2011
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poppy is a great carry and tower pusher when it comes to dominion but most importantly poppy is when of the only champions that could survive situations that almost all other champions can't such as 1vs2'ing in the early game with the help of his ultimate and exhaust if needed. he is also a champion which benefits both from attack damage and ability power items,runes, and masteries. all around poppy is absolutely one of my top favored champions in all of league of legends and i was surprised that the first game I played with poppy in dominion, i went 34 kills, 5 deaths, and 14 assists.
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    great damage output
    fast champion
    consistent damage
    immune to damage for 6 secs
    all around great champion and fun to play

    weak versus semi tanks/carry's
    difficult to know when to stop chasing
    to much fun
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Poppy is a very good ap/ad champion that could just about kill any champion in a 1v1 but is also good for tower diving while initiating your ulti if there is more than one champion. poppy only has a few flaws but her power outmatches any obstacle and could add as a good carry to the team if play properly which i'm about to teach you how.
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the runes are pretty much all for her power and is basic for any carry.
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the masteries are arguable but this is what i do best with and in my opinion is the best rune set up for damage output.
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if you follow this item build, i could guarantee you will succeed in almost any champion combo scenario. Just follow the order and you will rack in kills like there's no tomorow.
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skill sequence

basic sequence for poppy but instead of maxing out paragon of demacia first, i max out heroic charge because in most situations your going to want to have a bigger damage outburst for your first rotation so that the opponent thinks that you'll do that much damage constantly and so he will be scared and either run or panic and mash random buttons until he is dead.
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ghost and exhaust is pretty much the best for poppy as ghost is a quick way to get around with your W ability if anyone is trying to ninja a tower and exhaust is great for taking down 2 champions at once while your ultimate ability is up on one champion, your exhaust is up on the same champion which basicly allows you to be completely immune for 6 seconds...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author plexxis
plexxis Poppy Guide
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dominion destroyer

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