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Poppy Build Guide by Franky Peanuts

Dominion Poppy

Dominion Poppy

Updated on September 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Franky Peanuts Build Guide By Franky Peanuts 3,565 Views 0 Comments
3,565 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Franky Peanuts Poppy Build Guide By Franky Peanuts Updated on September 29, 2011
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This is my first guide, so bear with me. This guide is intended to leave you with a poppy that will dominate dominion. It focuses on mobility and killing power. The ability to get through the jungle quickly and into the enemy's unprotected points can be the difference in the game, especially when anyone who interrupts you becomes paint on the wall. I'll be explaining each choice in the guide as it relates to dominion specifically. Hope you have the same luck with this build that I have!
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This is a variation on a standard AP carry build. I've put HP5 seals on instead of MP5 since the passive buff from dominion is about all the mana poppy needs. Move speed quints are sometimes the difference between knocking someone out of range and stunning them on a wall.
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Since I know the complaints that are coming, let me address them in the explanation. Perseverance is once again worth it, since MP5 is cranked up to ridiculous. I didn't go D because poppy's passive coupled with health pickups are usually enough.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Franky Peanuts
Franky Peanuts Poppy Guide
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Dominion Poppy

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