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Poppy Build Guide by mcmcman

Dominion Poppy

Dominion Poppy

Updated on February 18, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mcmcman Build Guide By mcmcman 3,901 Views 0 Comments
3,901 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mcmcman Poppy Build Guide By mcmcman Updated on February 18, 2012
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Dominion Poppy

!!!PAY ATTENTION!!! This is strictly a dominion build. You cant do this on summoner's rift, and you cant even build a sanguine blade. Id go as far as to say poppy isnt even viable on summoner's rift. There is one big reason for that: her scaling. She is amazing late game. But her laning is sub par at best. Its atrocious. However, due to the fast paced action in dominion, the amount of duels, the tolerance of death, and constant xp gain, she is perfect for this map. I like to build her a mix of AD and AP, but also starting with a trinity force is essential. You focus on burst dmg, and you need that to work well at the start.
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This is a pretty basic structure of items.
I open with the sheen because this stacks so well with your Q. Activate that and get their hp low. After that, hit them 1 more time, and run. You cant really fight someone 1v1 at this point, but around level 7-8, you cant take anyone.
Next I take ionian boots. This is because of her long cool downs. You really need it, imo. Trinity is just a great item. Hextech to give u sustain in duels. Guisnos's is just a good item for Poppy. Sanguuine blade for even more sustain, and then nasher's tooth for some AS.
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Skill Sequence

This is a fairly standard sequence. Max your Q 1st to melt your oppenents.
Your E will give you a lil extra burst and stun if you need it. THis is a very usefull item in dominion, because there are walls everywhere, so u can get alot of stuns in. Always try to angle it so they will hit a wall.
W is ok, but I prioritize it last.
And R whenever possible, of course.
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This is very hard for Poppy. She just cant do well in a lane. And that includes Dominion Bot. Until they push your tower. Let them, and then jump up. Smack em once and then the turrets attacks. Knock them away from their base, and Q then. They'll probly be dead...
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Pros / Cons

Great burst damage, amazing ganking potention, can survive with Ult, Hit-and-run is great.

Not exceptional backdooring, no sustained dmg, not a great tank
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Summoner Spells

Personally, I just like to take these, as if can secure a kill after a duel, and also let you escape if it goes badly.

Some other good spells are promote and Garison for pushing.
Revive is also viable on this map, but its not exceptional.
Cleanse, flash, and heal are also OK.
Avoid anything else.
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I hope this really helps everyone looking for a dominion guide.
But just remember. Do things only "if it will bring peace."
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mcmcman
mcmcman Poppy Guide
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Dominion Poppy

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