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Sivir Build Guide by Diagas

Dominion Sivir - Push, Farm, Late Game Dominion-ation!

Dominion Sivir - Push, Farm, Late Game Dominion-ation!

Updated on October 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Diagas Build Guide By Diagas 4,269 Views 0 Comments
4,269 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Diagas Sivir Build Guide By Diagas Updated on October 24, 2011
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Your runes are picked so you'll have a very good late game. Sivir isn't a brawler in any circumstances, unless she's completely built like a tanky, regening machine. This build will ensure that when it comes down to the crucial last points, you'll be able to contribute to the team as well as provide a steroid buff to win any small skirmish or team fight.
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Summoner Spells

Promote and Ghost

Promote is the best ability for Sivir, much like her crutch to it back in beta days in Summoner's Rift. When she's pushing, take note of the melee pusher's HP. I like to even wait until he's attacking the turret. A well-placed promote can help neutralize a node, and that's your goal here. Once it's neutralized, then you can either fight, run, or stall until help arrives.

Ghost fits completely into Sivir's kit. When you pop your ultimate and ghost, you're going places. Great synergy, and has a shorter cooldown than Flash.
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Skill Sequence

Priority is always

R > Q > W > E
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Team Work

Your goal as Sivir is to go bottom. You'll be focusing on the two nodes there only. Your goal is to draw attention from the enemies so your team mates gain the upper hand elsewhere. If your 1v1 bottom soon turns to a 2v1, then you're doing your job right. Try not to die, and try to push/neutralize the enemy node.

When it comes to late game, I like to roam with an sort of AD champion ally. That way, I can give them my On The Hunt as well as the benefits of Starks. But that's all under subject of circumstances, because one can't predict where you'll be needed when it comes to lategame.
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THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF SIVIR DOMINION PLAY! You need that Warmogs FAST! But here's the kicker: not only do you need to farm, you need to keep pressure on and push. So with Ricochet active, try your best to last hit each 3 minion wave. Remember, if you capture a node, that's 100 gold as well. But also remember, that neutralizing a node doesn't build your Warmogs.
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- Early game, you're a distraction, not a killing machine
- Farm your Warmogs!
- Don't die, under any circumstances! It's better to B than it is to die in Dominion, especially if you're ahead in points!
- Late game, you'll be a killing machine. Pop your ultimate and stall those 3 enemy champions.
- Don't fight under enemy nodes; use Promote with a low HP melee minion to help neutralize, THEN attempt to fight
- R > Q > W > E
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Diagas
Diagas Sivir Guide
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Dominion Sivir - Push, Farm, Late Game Dominion-ation!

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