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Swain Build Guide by teHoovalitious

Dots for Dayz Warlock- AP Swain build

Dots for Dayz Warlock- AP Swain build

Updated on February 13, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author teHoovalitious Build Guide By teHoovalitious 6,150 Views 0 Comments
6,150 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author teHoovalitious Swain Build Guide By teHoovalitious Updated on February 13, 2012
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You should start off strong, if your going mid harass and last hit minions. the minions are essential not only for the early gold but because of your passive you can harass without losing too much mana. If going top or bottom you should still harass a lot and last hit minions just use the bushes to dot the enemy as they come into range.
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These runes should help you have the most mana possible early game, and with your seals you will have a lot a mana regen by level five or six. These runes will also help with the damage out put with a lot of starting ability power and magic penetration.
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The masteries set up for this build will help you earn gold faster throughout the game and also more experience early off. also taking points in mana and mana regen as well as buff durations for when you get blue buff off of the golem.
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The items chosen are there to gain an early AP advantage against your enemies and taking spell vamp early will decrease the chance of you dying and will cancel the effects of their harass moves. As far as wards go, you want to get them throughout the game but will have to substitute sight wards for vision wards depending if you are playing against and enemy stealth. So whenever they come to gank you, you will see them give a quick ping and then "w" into the bushes and you should get the kill on them turning the tables in your favor.And as far as your last item it differentiates for each game depends if you think you are getting hammered by their ranged AP dps's then switch it out for an Abyssal Scepter. But if you are feeling squishy against there AD dps then stick with the Hourglass.
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Skills Order

The skills set up are meant for harassing your opponents which swain exceeds at so it would be a wise decision to stick with the build i have set up for you.
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Summoner Spells

These spells are for certain situations that i think swain gets into a lot. Ignite because its just one more dot that you can add and then sit back and watch their health drop like a rock to get first blood. And ghost because personally i like ghost more than flash, because although ghost does not give you the ability to go through walls it can get you up for a longer time rather than just a short distance burst, and will be helpful when running away or when running to get that last hit on an enemy champion
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really good at early lane harass, get blue buff early and as often as you can for it is essential to your game, and you will be able to sustain your ult for a long time and will be able to kill multiple enemies on your own.You want to hit them with "w" "e" then "q" and you want to ult right after "w" but only if you hit them, with this build you should be able to dominate early lane and therefore control the later game
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League of Legends Build Guide Author teHoovalitious
teHoovalitious Swain Guide
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Dots for Dayz Warlock- AP Swain build

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