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Graves Build Guide by Jarizle

Double barrel is tank

Double barrel is tank

Updated on November 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jarizle Build Guide By Jarizle 4,166 Views 1 Comments
4,166 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jarizle Graves Build Guide By Jarizle Updated on November 21, 2011
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Pros and Cons

    Good farmer
    Good late game damage
    Good burst
    Weak early game
    Can be squishy
    There are better burst champs
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I have been playing with graves since the day he was released and I think he is a very good champ that can be tank late game with good burst and sustained damage.
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Summoner Spells

I use Flash and exhaust because I think they work very well together.
Flash is a good way to get away and can be used in combonation with your dash
Exhaust can be used to slow and make chasing down an enemy easier since graves doesn't have a natural slow.
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Team Work

In team fights you need to stay back and snipe targets staring with the squishes first then tanks. I like to use my ult at the beginning of team fights to get a majority of them with lower health to have an advantage in the team fight. You are not a supper hero or a tank so don't get over confident and engage a lone in anything bigger then a 1v1.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jarizle
Jarizle Graves Guide
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Double barrel is tank

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