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Janna Build Guide by seriouslysupernoob

Double Jungle Double Trouble

Double Jungle Double Trouble

Updated on July 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author seriouslysupernoob Build Guide By seriouslysupernoob 1,482 Views 0 Comments
1,482 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author seriouslysupernoob Janna Build Guide By seriouslysupernoob Updated on July 17, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust



Double Jungle works and it is extremely fun. Instead watching your teammate kill minions while you sit idle, why not support your jungler?? It can be a lot more effective!
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Summoner Spells

Double Smite means you and jungler have the freedom to go for blue, red, or steal early on. It allows for quick gank and early dragon kill.

Slow plus Janna's W and Q means your jungler will have no problem ganking.
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Skill Sequence

Start off with E so you can shield your jungler when attacking creeps. W will be my next item to slow down enemies. Q should come later because good players can easily dodge it. Q is more effective when escaping.
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Pros / Cons

-Not your boring supporting role
-Gains assists fast
-Map dominance
-Enemy will be off guard

-Won't level up in beginning
-Success rely heavily on the jungler
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Creeping / Jungling

Let jungler take everything so he can level up faster.

If no enemy jungler:
Blue>wolves>wraiths>red>golems>early gank or steal blue

If there is enemy jungler:
Wolves>blue>steal red (wait in their bush near red, then gank enemy jungler when he attacks red)
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Team Work

Your job is make sure your jungler is fed. Shield him when he is being attacked. Use your slow, W, and Q to help him gank. Buy lots of wards and oracle is a must so your jungler can roam.

Good jungle partners:
1.) Shyvana (strong damage and fast speed, squishy early on. Your skills are perfect for her).
2.) Yi (a fed Yi will seal the win).
3.) Shaco (Map dominance, surprise attack).
Any high damage champions might be good partner.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author seriouslysupernoob
seriouslysupernoob Janna Guide
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Double Jungle Double Trouble

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