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Dps Fate The way to win

Dps Fate The way to win

Updated on January 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author QQ More Plz Build Guide By QQ More Plz 360 77 1,603,250 Views 285 Comments
360 77 1,603,250 Views 285 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author QQ More Plz Build Guide By QQ More Plz Updated on January 25, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Chapter 1

Here is the fate build I use with some exceptions Malady-starks if your a lone dps on the team grab malady if not starks, With this build you will masacre the other team

Runes: The runes i got are for extra armour pen and survivability.

Masteries I go with 21-0-9 Masteries for extra damages and If you play smart you wouldnt need to go 9-21-0

Spells: I go with exhaust and ignite, Exhaust for so many reasons... Chaining but cant keep up exhaust, getting out dmg'd exhaust = win , low health running exhaust, and ignite is just for extra dmg... helps those solo fights

Playing: Okay since many poeple have asked me to post a play style on how to play with tf, since not all know how. Okay if you are playing mid With tf always harras with your stacked deck\redcard\goldcard, since your not that mana hungry, if they stay to long gold card+exhaust and ignite there done.. Always keep in mind to ult for a gank.

Laning: I usually try to farm\ harras with my gold card or red card until me and my lane partner can take them both or atleast one out, and help gank when level 6 :)

Reason to not using wild cards: Too me the wild cards are a waste of mana, not enough damage unless you go AP witch is useless...Grab them earlier if you like but I dislike wild cards.

Gl with this build rate and post comments after trying!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author QQ More Plz
QQ More Plz Guide
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