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Vladimir Build Guide by EternalSir

Eternal's Vladimir

Eternal's Vladimir

Updated on November 7, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EternalSir Build Guide By EternalSir 1,913 Views 0 Comments
1,913 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EternalSir Vladimir Build Guide By EternalSir Updated on November 7, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



The big thing about Vladimir, is that he has no mana. To cope with that, he uses health instead of mana, that means you want spell vamp to counter act that. Vladimir has really good sustain, and farms which allows you to get a head start against the enemy, while keeping a good pester on them.
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These runes give you bonus health, lots of Ability Power, and health. Which will allow for slapping power early game! A combination is good on Vladimir because of his passive which will help you be more tanky. The Ability Power per level, will help you late game with the "Rabadon's Deathcap" passive, which is why I choose them.
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Masteries provide lots of damage, along with some health for your passive, and some Ability Power for your passive as well. The more bonues health you have, the more Ability Power you get, and the more Ability Power you have, the more Health you get.
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These items usually lead to 1000 bonus health, give or take. Which will make you end up with 3000-3500, somewhere in that range. Along with that, they give you close to maximum on your cooldowns allowing for spam of abilities. Which will make you the ultimate caster. A lot of you did not realize, that "Will of The Acients" Unique Passive, does stack with "Hextech Revolver". This is why I get both. Although I do sell the Revolver late game for more useful items. You may also want a second "Rabadon's Deathcap" instead of a "Deathfire Grasp", I use it for the cooldown reduction. Rylai's is there for the passive, giving you health which is bonus ability power, and ability power which is bonus health. Along with that, your "Sanguine Pool" will slow more, and you "Transfusion" slow stopping a lot of chasing on you as you can cast while they are chasing to get health and slow them.
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Skill Sequence

As I talked about the combos in the introduction, I will just talk about why I chose these sequences. I max out "Transfusion" as fast I can, to lower the cooldown and increase the damage" Increasing "Sanguine Pool" will only increase its damage, which is not thae useful as I use it for escape so I level it up last. Your "Tides of Blood" stack up to 4 times, each stack increasing the damage, but increasing the health cost. Max your ultimate up at each level available for it because it will increase damage done to them in total.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EternalSir
EternalSir Vladimir Guide
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Eternal's Vladimir

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