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Evelynn Build Guide by Asryael

Eve - The Surprise Nuke

Eve - The Surprise Nuke

Updated on July 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asryael Build Guide By Asryael 1,618 Views 0 Comments
1,618 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Asryael Evelynn Build Guide By Asryael Updated on July 20, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Having almost never played Eve before, I decided to give it a go after her recent remake. Not really knowing what to build, I decided to try going Hybrid. Oh boy! Above is the build that I tried and continue to use. At level 18, your sitting on around 260 AD and 550 AP. Ulti Damage = 36% of enemy max hp, Q = ~300dmg (1 sec cd), E = ~450dmg. When you start attacking, Guinsoo's gives you a nice boost to your AP, meaning that in the middle of a fight your at around 600AP with 1.5 attack speed. Hit that E and you jump to ~2.2 attack speed. If you keep spamming Q, your basic attack will continue to get the Trinity Force passive meaning you do > 500dmg per basic attack.

When attacking, your skill order should be W -> E -> Q -> Q...-> E -> Q -> Q....-> E -> Q -> Q.

I strongly suggest going bot with a support. I have not tried solo top, but due to the large mana demand to continue using Q, your first few levels might be a little bit of a struggle.

GL and HF!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Asryael
Asryael Evelynn Guide
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