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Evelynn Build Guide by Troublesang

Evelynn : Death from the shadows (AD)

Evelynn : Death from the shadows (AD)

Updated on August 7, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Troublesang Build Guide By Troublesang 2,115 Views 0 Comments
2,115 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Troublesang Evelynn Build Guide By Troublesang Updated on August 7, 2012
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This guide is not a complete guide
It is an AD Evelynn item build guide

I wont teach you all about her spells, just a few tips
It's your duty to master her, tame her

I wont talk about runes, masteries or summoner spells either
Everyone has their personnal likes and ways to do things
Inspire yourself with this exemple to play your own style
Building your own character is part of the fun too !

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A few tips

Care, Evelynn is squishy (easely killed cuz few health)
It is NOT your role to engage (except 1v1 if you think you can win)

Passive : ennemies see you when the eye over theuir head gets red
break your stealth if an ennemy remains in the zone (with red eye)
turrets can see you, as well as oracle and pink wards
a stealth shaco or twitch can see you if enters the zone, but you cant see him
Q : raise it first, it helps you farm a lot
W : helps you run away or get to close combat in an instant
care ! once you use it your stealth is broken, manage the timing (when the eye gets red)
also helps clearing the jungle faster
E : is to be used first in combat, gives you all the attack speed you need
once it's raised a couple times, use it to clear the jungle or minions in an instant
R : as every ultimate, dont keep it long for the awaited perfect moment, use it !

Bot : is good for you (remember you are squishy though)
Solotop : is viable (play safe)
Jungle : i think it's hard to start with jungle, but it should be possible (change masteries)
but if your team doent have a jungler, you can top until you purchase BFsword or
VampiricScepter and then start the jungle, it'll be an easy job clearing it

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Damages :

Critical strikes :
+80% critical chance (infinities+phantom)
+60% critical damage (infinity+mastery)
(makes critical strike = 260% of base damages)

Average damages :

Attack speed (AS):
(cap reached at 2.5)
base = 0.658
+240.3 %
(max = 2.5/0.658 = 380% = 100%+280%
levels+spell = +189.3%
remains 280-189.3 = +90.7% from items)

Damages per seconde (DPS):
average damages*base AS*(100%+bonus AS%)
2462.9 DPS

and 43% lifesteal !
(2 blood+masteries)

PS : raw numbers not considering oponnents' armor

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Item builds comparison

2 infinities + 2 blood + 1 phantom :
2462.9 DPS and 43% lifesteal

playing 100% critics ?
3 infinities + 1 blood + 1 phantom
1202.2 D (462.4*2.6)
2692 DPS
+229.1 DPS but only -20% lifesteal !

playing attack speed ?
1 infinity + 2 blood + 2 phantom
402.4 D => 949.66 avD
2374.2 DPS (2.5 AS cap reached)
-88.7 DPS

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Sorry for the headache if you dislike math
Hope i could help you building your own eve
Have fun playing ~

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Let me know your thoughts about it
Mistakes i made or improvements possible for this guide
(English is not my mother tongue, i may have made mistakes typing)
Thank you very much for your help
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Troublesang
Troublesang Evelynn Guide
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Evelynn : Death from the shadows (AD)

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