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Evelynn Build Guide by TheDJBuntin

Evelynn - Embrace the Darkness!

Evelynn - Embrace the Darkness!

Updated on July 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDJBuntin Build Guide By TheDJBuntin 1,787 Views 0 Comments
1,787 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDJBuntin Evelynn Build Guide By TheDJBuntin Updated on July 20, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Welcome to my Guide to the NEW Evelynn (I'm a Novice to MobaFire so forgive me if its not the prettiest of guides! - You're welcome to leave comments telling me how I can improve!
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I find this build to be the best for early game ganks and late game ownage.

Its pretty simple and self-explanatory.

But at the end, once you have all your items and have stacked up a bit of gold, sell your "Boots of Mobility" and replace with Dancers, or if you have a thing about books, Berks.
Also replace WL for Bloodthirster.
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How to Play


Start Blue, do it quickly while spamming Q. Quickly move to Wolves, then Wraiths, then Golems, then B! buy boots + a potion or armour for WL. Quickly run to Red and do it, by this time you SHOULD be lvl 3 - If not, just do another Wraiths.

Now, Pick your target. Bot, Top or Mid. Get as close as you can without the Yellow Eye above the enemy going red, once ready, run in, Use D (Exhaust), spam Q, second you get in melee range, hit E, if needed, use W to get in range.
If you don't use W and they try to run away, use it, pick up an easy kill.

Repeat until fed ^^

(Note: It should be obvious, but use R on a huge group of enemies. It gives you a temp shield, this will help you a huge amount in team fights.)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheDJBuntin
TheDJBuntin Evelynn Guide
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Evelynn - Embrace the Darkness!

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