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Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
I'm Dangerfield and this is my Lane Skarner Guide. Im pretty new to the site, but I have a Orianna guide that I put together so I you like playing her go ahead and check that guide out as well. Basically I hate jungling, and Im terrible with most of the jungle champs when I play them that way. So I always find a way to lane with them and make it work. So skarner unlike most junglers has a pretty decent lane presence(Ive even went mid with him).
If you notice I have 4 builds. The first is the AP heavy build. This is for teams that for whatever reason go heavy on AP with no real AD(ie even their tank is Alistar). The second in the AP heavy area is more of an even spread team but still slightly more AP than AD.
Next section is the AD heavy teams. For teams with looots of AD. The second part is a team thats heavy on AD and tanky. Something like a Garen, Jarvan, Udyr, Kat, Te emo(if played AD/hybrid).
*Please send me a message if you know how to use the icons in the guide so that they show their stats ty*
1. Great at catching players that try to a great for chasing enemies down and then usingto slow and finish them off, or your ult to drag them into your team so that can be devoured!
2. Great Farmer
3. Does a great job of harassing and denying exp to carries.
4. Can be a bit on the tanky side, should you choose to build him that way(and do it the proper way.
1. Slow starter
2. Squishy early game
3. Not great a 1v1's mid/late game if built poorly.
4. Ult doesn't last quite enough(imo).
1. Great at catching players that try to a great for chasing enemies down and then usingto slow and finish them off, or your ult to drag them into your team so that can be devoured!
2. Great Farmer
3. Does a great job of harassing and denying exp to carries.
4. Can be a bit on the tanky side, should you choose to build him that way(and do it the proper way.
1. Slow starter
2. Squishy early game
3. Not great a 1v1's mid/late game if built poorly.
4. Ult doesn't last quite enough(imo).
I have 4 different ways to play Skarner, but the rune builds are pretty much the same for them all. Some people like attack speed marks, but I like armor pen. In my builds I go 5 armor pen 4 magic pen. 5 aromor seals(1.41) 4 evasion seals. 5 mres and 4 CDR glyphs. For Quints I use 2 movement speed and 1 armor pen.
The reason I do this is because Skarner is kind of different than most champs. He has higher AD damage than his AP, but AP items benefit all of his skills. So therefore I feel that its worth to stack armor pen and magic pen runes with slightly more armor pen runes for his higher AD.
The reason I do this is because Skarner is kind of different than most champs. He has higher AD damage than his AP, but AP items benefit all of his skills. So therefore I feel that its worth to stack armor pen and magic pen runes with slightly more armor pen runes for his higher AD.
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