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Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Why this Build?
And i chosen Katarina as i love her and i am generely preety good at AP champions.
I made this build off a match that i had where i did 39-12-12.
Prety good. Or at least i think it is!
The thing here is that you can have a huge AP Power combined with some Utilitie and movement speed + health and good resists.
For this you must try to get the FIRST BLOOD of the game as it will be awesome for your evolvement.
You can change a little bit the items specialy those with the resists so you can keep up with the demands.
For example if you in a match with Warrick and Master Yi for example you want Frozen Hearth for certain instead Abysall Scepter yes you dont have that mutch AP but, you get to have a nice resist and when you got for the Death Lotus you can survive longer and you are a BIG + for your team thanks to the aura.
Comment below please as i want to know wath i can improve and wath you guys think about this build.
PS:Other thing idk waths wrong with Mobafire or if this is usual but you can get more STATUS then its showing more movement speed and more AP.
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