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LeBlanc Build Guide by Illishanx

Faceroll Leblanc

Faceroll Leblanc

Updated on May 18, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Illishanx Build Guide By Illishanx 4,218 Views 4 Comments
4,218 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Illishanx LeBlanc Build Guide By Illishanx Updated on May 18, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


READ b4 you do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after a while of thinking about a new fun build to try i came up with AD Leblanc, against computers i went 51-0 but that's no biggie right? well when i got some friends together that wouldn't yell at me for AD Leblanc i tried it against real players, i went 23-2-14 and 260 minion kills, sadly it worked.
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Greater mark of Desolation: armor pen, kind of needed on most AD carries.
Greater seal of Alacrity: attack speed, helps early game with farming, and late game with pure awesomeness? (aka more attacks)
Greater glyph of Furor: greater crit damage, at the end you will have a 87% chance to crit with a realy REALY fast attack speed.
Greater quint of Alacrity: just a little bit more attack speed.
Greater quint of Furor: + 8% crit damage... helps...
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Masteries are 21-0-9... and are my usual AD carry masteries
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I start with a doran's blade as i do with most AD carries.
Get a beserk greaves when i first go back and maybe another dorans if i have enough gold.

I get 3 dorans blades because of the 300 HP + 30 damage + 9% life steal... pretty nice early game...

when i go back i get a B.F sword, then pick axe than the cloak... but usually i can just buy the inf. edge out right.
when i have 1.1k (or if i think i can stay for longer i will save for 2.8k & just buy the phantom dancer) and go get a zeal to later change into a phantom.
I then rush a bloodthirster... this is when i sell 1 or 2 dorans... because at this point what they are there for is the 9% life steal... but the vampric scepter gives 12% so its much better.
I then get a frozen mallet for the extra health (which helps ALOT) and then it gives the fun movement speed De-buff.
i end it with a phantom dancer for the huge attack/critchance/movespeed increase and at this point... (if you even get here) you will destroy everything. :D
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Skill Sequence

The only 2 realy important abilitys for AD leblanc is the Chain and the Jump... jump is for easily staying in range of your target, and its awesome in combination with flash to never die... the chain is for when you are in range TO KEEP THEM IN RANGE plus if your running it will help too :D
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all in all its just a fun build... that oddly works so fun + working = awesome :D

Also 1 question... what would happen if pinocchio where to say... my nose will grow now? leave a comment below and say your answer :)

~ credit of the question goes to my friend's friend Ben :D
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