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Fiora Build Guide by Toxixo

Fiona - Off Tank Jungle

Fiona - Off Tank Jungle

Updated on March 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toxixo Build Guide By Toxixo 9,537 Views 0 Comments
9,537 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Toxixo Fiora Build Guide By Toxixo Updated on March 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Sorry if the concordance of the sentences were not very good

I am using google translator, then it may be that many errors of agreement appear
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After much playing with bot to understand fiona

And much testing it in the game, I saw that she could be many things, but the best was the off tank. And yet she has this build damage and atack speed.
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Starting the game

Not in the order of items is very good but buy healing potions for her.

After you get level 4, you can now give gank, choose the line which has a stun or slow, because at first you do not have item to prevent enemies from running.
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Starting the jungle

In the jungle you started with the blue, requesting help your team get to the blue with 50% hp. So has the smite build. In the jungle after killing the blue just follow the normal path of the jungle. DO NOT FORGET TO BUY THE POTIONS TO HEAL!
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Case 1: Your team is garbage

If your team is really bad and just give up the game is dying.
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Case 2: Your team is bad but is still to play.

So you're able to gank and kill or give assistance, great.

Always try to gank where your time is less bad, so your chances will increase, following the order of items can not go wrong, you guentara a blow at the beginning and end of the game will also kill.
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