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Fiora Build Guide by Equilibriater

Fiora - Painfully Artistic.

Fiora - Painfully Artistic.

Updated on March 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Equilibriater Build Guide By Equilibriater 1,957 Views 0 Comments
1,957 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Equilibriater Fiora Build Guide By Equilibriater Updated on March 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Pre notes.

I will be adding to this guide to enhance it gradually and change it as and when. Any suggestions please leave them in comments and please comment before thumbs down so I can change anything wrong with it or add things I have missed. As always NO TROLLS PLEASE.

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Hey Everyone this is my guide to playing a successful Fiora, Fiora is a really fun champ and played well can be a great asset to any team, the way I have built her works very well for me, she has good life steal for lane sustain playing top or bot, she stacks well into late game with the damage output, obviously you can make variations to this build such as if the enemy team has heavy AP then switch out Phantom dancer for Wits End or something like that, im not saying you will dominate every game with this build, you need to adapt and make it your own, some people will keep it the same some will change it but from what i have played so far this works the best for me.
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The rune I have chosen are your standard AD champ runes building armour pen on the marks and quints and then defence on seals and glyphs. other changes you can make are changing the marks from desolation to strength for the base damage output or changing them to alacrity, once again this build is designed for people to take what they need from it and to expand and turn it into their own play style.
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Masteries are obvious, they are standard damage masteries, some people like to play her 9/21/0 going down the defence route but I find this counter productive due to the kind of champion she is and due to my play style, I find the seals and Glyphs enough to sustain me through early game .
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Summoner Spells

I always take Flash and ignite with Fiora, I find this a nice combo because both flash and ignite can be used offensively and as a scare tactic, a random ignite early game can push your opponent out of lane making him/her lose out on valuable last hits top or bottom lane.

other spells you could use are Ghost, Ignite and cleanse. I find that people will generally take what they are comfortable with so feel free to do so.
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As I have mentioned a few times on this guide, it is not a strict build it is a base build that I will always target to get but like I said if there is a fed enemy AP then buy defensive items and if they have a strong tank then build a blood-razor instead of the infinity edge and if they have heavy AD then build a guardian angel or thorn mail instead of another item. Do what you find comfortable.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Equilibriater
Equilibriater Fiora Guide
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Fiora - Painfully Artistic.

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