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Fiora Build Guide by BuckyTheGayPony

Fiora - The French are Coming

Fiora - The French are Coming

Updated on February 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BuckyTheGayPony Build Guide By BuckyTheGayPony 2,256 Views 0 Comments
2,256 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BuckyTheGayPony Fiora Build Guide By BuckyTheGayPony Updated on February 29, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Welcome, this is my build guide with the lovely French Maiden Fiora. As she is fairly new, I have played as much as I could with her, but overall she is amazing. As this is a guide in progress, I'll be adding more to it every game I play.
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Pros / Cons

    - Good damage
    - Great chasing skills
    - Insane Ultimate
    - Pretty Tanky
    - ....Sexy Accent

    - Needs a good team to be able to be played to full potential.
    - French... I don't think that's a con XD
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Mark of Penetrations are a must here, there is no need for extra AD runes as her W gives bonus AD anyways.

Seals of Fortitude I see are good for laning in general. Easy to take pokes here and there. Late game they don't offer as much, but Fiora needs a good early game to really be beneficial.

Glyphs of Magic Resist are just to offer that little "umph" in general. Really helps when coming in for a gank on mid.

Quints of Armor Penetration... Needed.
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Summoner Spells

Flash and Ignite have worked for me so far.

Flash in general serves as a great escape mechanism for Fiora as she as limited escapability.

Ignite is just a personal preference. It gives that extra damage you need for an engagement and helps stop those pesky heals from opposing champs. i.e. Tryndamere, Nidalee, Alistar, etc...

A substitute for Ignite would be exhaust. A great summoner spell that would help with your chasing ability.
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Creeping / Jungling

Fiora is great in-lane. Her Q acts as a double flash to enemy minions or champs. If mana is plenty you can use Q to hit a creep behind the line and q again to another minion near your initial position. This helps from taking damage from opposing champs.

^This can also be used to harass enemy champs^

Once you have a wriggles Laning becomes easy. With your E and a wriggles you can essentially farm the whole wave without sweat.
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Unique Skills

Fiora's passive "Duelist" is just a blessing from the heavens. She is able to stay in lane as long as she wants to with this passive.

Her Q, "Lunge", offers a great harassment tool or just a complete all out assault on an enemy champ.

Her W, "Riposte", is another great skill. Its passive gives you extra atk damage. When activated it will block an incoming attack, even on hit skills. When hit it will block the atk and do damage back the the enemy champ. Timing is everything with this skill though.

Her E, "Burst of Speed", is exactly as it sounds. A great burst of attack speed will be granted. When attacking, the effect will add up to give you increased movement speed. Perfect for chasing and harrasing.

Her R, "Blade Waltz", is just devastating to opposing lane champs. She jumps around all opposing champs that are in the short vicinity and deals damage to them. Also great if used against a single champ, albeit the damage is reduced a tad.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BuckyTheGayPony
BuckyTheGayPony Fiora Guide
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Fiora - The French are Coming

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