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Ability Order
Mirror Image (PASSIVE)
LeBlanc Passive Ability
3 shot everyone
after fininshing your magisolstealer start ganking get your stacks as fast a posible
your spell combo will be Q->R->W->E the E is only if you didne kill them already
untill you are lvl 11 and have 200 ap you wont b able to 3 shot everyone unless they are realy squishy. so u use your Q to harass untill you think you can finish it. if the only have 5 bars of hp or less go ahead and turret dive your W can be activated a second time to get out if you need to but dont waight to long you anly have 3 seconds.
if you are ganked distort over a wall distort angain with your ult and flash its almost imposive for them to chach you.
make shur to take out dps first, cdps caster are your priority they are squishy and when silenced are usless
when atacking tanks and well built ads or just a noob useing trnd you sholdent fight them on your own without your ult if you do u have to go rely fast or thel will heal or go invincable and hack at your small amount of hp. if you dont think you can 3 or 4 shoot them sell out your chains to slow them and w8 for your team
in the begining if u land chains use your Q befor they snaire if you do the silence will activate and you will do extra damage as wall.
untill you are lvl 11 and have 200 ap you wont b able to 3 shot everyone unless they are realy squishy. so u use your Q to harass untill you think you can finish it. if the only have 5 bars of hp or less go ahead and turret dive your W can be activated a second time to get out if you need to but dont waight to long you anly have 3 seconds.
if you are ganked distort over a wall distort angain with your ult and flash its almost imposive for them to chach you.
make shur to take out dps first, cdps caster are your priority they are squishy and when silenced are usless
when atacking tanks and well built ads or just a noob useing trnd you sholdent fight them on your own without your ult if you do u have to go rely fast or thel will heal or go invincable and hack at your small amount of hp. if you dont think you can 3 or 4 shoot them sell out your chains to slow them and w8 for your team
in the begining if u land chains use your Q befor they snaire if you do the silence will activate and you will do extra damage as wall.
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