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Urgot Build Guide by flyingbaklava

Top From Urgot to Urgod, an overly detailed explanation

Top From Urgot to Urgod, an overly detailed explanation

Updated on December 19, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author flyingbaklava Build Guide By flyingbaklava 10 1 33,063 Views 1 Comments
10 1 33,063 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author flyingbaklava Urgot Build Guide By flyingbaklava Updated on December 19, 2017
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Summon Aery
The Ultimate Hat

Cheap Shot
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Hey there! I go by the handle of FlyingBaklava and I am here to teach you how to turn your enemies into a fine pink mist! I mained Zac top and mid and made it to Diamond 1 before Riot ruined Zac. Thankfully, they reworked Urgot shortly afterward and gave league quite possibly the most satisfying ultimate in the game. Since then I have mastered the 6 legged grind house and would like to share the knowledge I have gained in the months since I started playing him. Just keep in mind there are a few different successful playstyles (which I will try to go over) and mine may not be the best for you. Experimentation will help determine what runes/masteries/playstyle will work best for you. To see examples of how I play, visit my Twitch page ( or my youtube (

This is still a rough draft and needs adjustments both to make it more readable (adding images and formatting), as well as to complete the lane matchups section. I will be working on this over the next few weeks.
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Reasons to play Urgot

Urgot is a short ranged Bruiser, that can be a strong lane bully, and an effective teamfighter. He has issues with mobility (a standard problem for Bruisers), but is gifted with insane mid-late game damage to make up for it. His poke can be quite nasty, and his all in potential can devastate an opponent before they even get a chance to react. In teamfights, he can dissuade tanks for going for the backline with massive %max life damage from those shotgun knees, which are equally good at eviscerating squishy backline champions if they are unfortunate enough to be anywhere near you. More than anything, though, Urgot is known for turning enemies into a fine pink powder, that makes an excellent spice in soups and stews. If this sounds like a champion you want to play, then my guide is the right place to start.
Why Urgot over other top laners:
Post 13, he is one of the strongest duelists in the game, making him an effective split pusher. With Righteous Glory, he can flank/charge at the backline in ways most split pushing champions cant making him an effective teamfighter. With just one damage item, he has enough damage to kill anyone stupid enough to get close to him, while being tanky enough to take a ton of punishment thanks to a massive shield (with full build, it easily hits 800 health). Also, unlike most Bruisers, he has the ability to fight at long range with his Corrosive shot and Fear Beyond Death meaning he doesn’t even need to go in to be useful in teamfights. His only weakness really is mobility, and that is negated with proper items/summoner skills/runes/playstyle. Do recognize though that Urgot is not a braindead or straightforward champion, as he relies entirely on skillshots.
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Echoing Flames (Passive)
I know it sounds strange, but the biggest source of damage in Urgot’s kit is his passive. Those shotgun knees do massive damage (2-8% max life physical damage), and post level 13, can eviscerate tanks and squishies alike, especially once you have black cleaver. To get the most out of the rest of your abilities, you should focus on how they allow you to get off more passive procs. The way it works, is that each knee fires in a 60 degree cone when you auto attack (or your W fires) at anything in that angle other than turrets and certain player summoned minions. At first, each knee has a massive cooldown (30 seconds), so it behooves you to conserve those knees by farming from only one knee’s angle if you can. Whichever knee you choose, try to use it on your opponent before using that angle to farm if at all possible, but don’t lose farm to do so. It takes a lot of practice to get it right, but if you do, you will be rewarded with opportunities to unload those knees to devastating effect when you land any of your skillshots. Once you hit level 13, the CD for each knee is an insanely low 2.5 seconds allowing you to proc at least one knee twice during a single Purge. This is the point in the game that Urgot becomes one of the strongest duelists in the game.

Corrosive charge
This is your bread and butter skill for the laning phase, and a powerful tool in teamfights. It is your longest range basic ability, has a modest AOE, and at max rank, a powerful slow. I max it first for a few reasons. First, is that it allows you to get off surprisingly strong poke. With Aery/Comet, scorch, and cheap shot, your Q can do punishing damage. Second, the damage scales well with points, and the max rank slow almost guarantees you will get in range for your E if your opponent doesn’t have mobility in their kit. Third, it allows you to farm safely if you are worried about a gank or enemy poke/all in. At max rank, one Q + one passive proc will clear the backline minions.
Ideally, you want to use your Q to last hit and harass at the same time. If you can’t manage that, try to farm with auto attacks and use your Q exclusively to harass to conserve mana as you will run out if you spam the ability. As a general rule, it is best to use this ability when your opponent is trying to farm both to take advantage of them being distracted and to dissuade them from farming in the future. Urgot is a lane bully, make them pay for their CS. Try to get an auto attack off after landing your Q, especially if it would proc your passive (preferably while they are slowed for that sweet cheap shot damage). When your opponent is low enough follow your Q with your E. If your opponent is past the river when this happens, I tend to pop ghost in an attempt to run them down and get a kill. Often, a flash won't be enough to save them.

Urgot’s signature ability provides a modest shield that scales off your health and fires three shots a second for 4 seconds. You can move while this ability is running, albeit at a slower speed. It also gives you the ghost effect (ignore unit collision) and slow resistance. Keep in mind that slow resistance from this ability and boots of swiftness only work against enemy slows and not the slow Purge applies to Urgot. This ability is not affected by attack speed or critical strike chance so avoid stacking those stats as they are effectively useless during the duration of purge. On-hit damaging effects apply at ⅓ their respective damage, so avoid building damage based on-hit items like Wit’s End or Blade of the Ruined King. Non-damaging on hit abilities like those found on Cull and Frozen hammer apply at full effect though, and so does the damage return from Bramble Vest/Thornmail (be vigilant about if/when your lane opponent gets bramble vest as it can sway trades heavily in their favor).
By default, it will fire at the closest target, however, if you land any of your other abilities, it will lock on to the target and fire exclusively at them as long as you are in range. It counts as an auto attack, which has 2 important effects. One, it fires available knees at the angle it is firing at. Two, if Purge hits a champion, enemy minions will attack you. This can be a problem as early game minions do noticeable damage. If you are not locked onto a nearby enemy champion or the champion is out of range, minion aggro can also potentially waste shotgun knees as it will fire at the nearest target.
One last thing to keep in mind is that Purge can be deactivated early after a .5 second lockout time. This can be useful for a number of reasons. It can conserve passive knees when minions aggro onto you or are otherwise close enough to be targeted and it can allow you to gain the benefit of Purge’s shield without getting slowed for long (for when you get ganked or otherwise need to run). It is also useful to deactivate Purge early to negate the powerful effects of an enemy rushing Bramble Vest.
As a general rule in the laning phase, you don’t want to use your W to farm, only to fight. If you are trying to shove the lane or plan on backing anyway, then by all means, purge away. Otherwise, only use it after locking onto an enemy champion (or against an isolated champion) or defensively if they try to attack you. For the most part, you want to use Purge as a means for activating your passive, and if you have a say on that, it should always be directed at an enemy champion. Post 13, the CD is so low on your passive that you can almost freely use Purge to farm as long as you know you wont need it to immediately fight enemy champions.

If used correctly, this is Urgot’s most powerful ability. After a .25 second windup, Urgot dashes a short distance, knocking minions/monsters aside and flinging the first champion hit to the opposite side of Urgot and briefly stunning them. Beyond the powerful CC, it places the enemy on the other side of Urgot, exposing them to knees Urgot probably has available and locks on to them so Purge will focus on that champion. Successfully landing this skill will frequently be how you get kills in the laning phase.
The windup may feel clunky at first, but I assure you that the windup is the reason why this ability is Urgot’s most powerful. How you say? Well, just like the windup in Tristana’s Rocket Jump, Urgot is immune to all forms of CC during that .25 seconds, even Poppy’s ultimate ( Well, immune is the wrong word. The CC will hit you, but you will still dash forward and flip the first champion that you hit even though you were stunned/knocked up/suppressed. Your dash and flip take time, so often, the CC is over by the time the animation for Disdain ends. Much like Fiora's riposte, timing this ability well can easily lead to kills as it tends to surprise your opponent when their CC falls completely flat, and you land CC of your own. Timing this ability well can also save your life from otherwise lethal ganks. My favorite lane opponents have telegraphed CC like Cho’gath, Vel’kaz, and Riven (her third Q) which makes this ability easy to time ( Mastering the wind ups small timing window will elevate your Urgot play into proper Urgod status.
Another great part about disdain is that it overpowers other similar movement based hard CC like Camille’s hookshot, Quinn’s Vault, and J4’s flag and drag, which means you don’t even need to time it well to come out ahead against them. Another good thing to know, is that Disdain will interrupt the Rift Herald’s tower charge if you time it right. The Rift Herald will rear up on its back legs, roar, then charge. Right as the Rift herald places its front legs back down is about the moment you want to start Disdain in order to interrupt the charge.

Fear Beyond Death/Mercy
My single favorite ultimate of any champion in League. Not the most powerful ultimate, but definitely the most satisfying. After a short windup, Urgot fires a skinny and fast moving skillshot that collides with the first champion hit. If it connects with a champion, it slows them for 4 seconds based on how much health they have left (greater slow the lower health they are). If the champion hit falls below 25%, you can activate Mercy which suppresses the champion hit and drags them in for execution. At the end of the 4 seconds, if the target is below 25% health, they will be dragged in for execution even if you don’t reactivate it. Shields don’t count towards an enemy's life total, and once you activate mercy, even if they are healed above 25%, they will be dragged in. No matter how close the target is when you activate mercy, they will be pushed to a standard distance where it will take the target 1.5 seconds to make it to your Belly for processing. If you die before they are processed, the target gets to live, so try not to die. Additionally, if you successfully execute a target, nearby enemies will be feared for 1.5 seconds.
In the end, this skill can be quite challenging to land. It has a noticeable wind up, and even though the projectile moves quickly, it can be dodged by skilled players. Try to fire it when your opponent is slowed from your Q or only has one possible direction to go. Firing from the fog of war is also quite effective. One way to almost guarantee it lands is to fire it immediately after landing a Disdain, as the CC from it will last long enough to negate the windup.
A few things to note about this ability, there are quite a few ways to cancel it/survive it that a good Urgot needs to be aware of. Yasuo’s windwall can block both the ultimate projectile and the chains from Mercy. Targets that are CC immune cannot be dragged in (Ornn’s bellow’s breath and Sion’s ultimate for example) so time Mercy around those abilities. Gangplank’s oranges and Quick Silver Sash can break the suppression to effectively ignore Mercy. Tryndamere’s, Zilean’s and Kayle’s ultimate can also allow a victim to survive if timed correctly. Kalista can also rescue her Oath Sworn while suppressed from Mercy. On the lighter side of things, Braum’s Stand Behind Me will drag Braum into your belly instead of your intended target even if he is at full health. Unfortunately, even if Thresh brings a friend, you won’t get a 2 for 1 special (

Skill Order
Q max and W max have almost identical winrates, so it boils down to preference. In my case I prefer to Max Q first as I have a poke heavy playstyle. No matter which skill you choose to level, max E last as it scales the least from extra point. Not to mention that the slow from your Q will likely be what allows you to get close enough to even use your E in the first place. It goes without saying that you always put points in your ultimate whenever you can.
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Summoner spells

My personal favorite summoner skill on Urgot. Unlike most champions, Urgot can continue to do damage while moving thanks to his W allowing you to take full advantage of the movement speed Ghost provides. It also helps negate the slow from your W while allowing you to position yourself to get more passive procs off. Since Urgot’s passive is the primary source of Urgot’s damage, extra mobility is a huge benefit.
In lane, ghost provides unmatched chasing capabilities. If the enemy is pushing past the river, landing a Q then popping ghost can frequently get kills and/or summoner spells. If you trade flash for ghost, even if you don’t get a kill now, it can frequently lead to a kill down the road when your ghost comes back up as it has a 2 minute shorter cooldown. When pushing past the river, combined with the ability to ignore CC during E’s windup Ghost makes it possible to escape from even the nastiest ganks. Since a smart jungler will usually come back for a repeat gank after getting a summoner spell, you only need to play defensive for 3 minutes (5 minutes for flash) after burning Ghost.
In teamfights, it gives you the ability to flank or charge directly at the backline. Post level 13, the damage Urgot can push out means that if you get next to a squishy champion and land a skillshot, they will die extremely quickly and ghost helps a lot with that. After a successful teamfight ends, Ghost helps you chase down fleeing enemies. Coupled with Righteous glory, there is almost no way to outrun an Urgot. I have chased down Talons, Ezreals, Rivens, and even a Kassadin here or there. If they don’t immediately hop over a wall, they are doomed, and sometimes, they are doomed even then.

Teleport is a fantastic summoner skill for Urgot in top lane and a decent one in the mid lane. Early in lane, it helps mitigate the pain of Urgot being a mana based champion by allowing you to back without losing farm. It helps mitigate the pain of getting ganked for the same reasons. Post 6, Urgot can bring some powerful teleport ganks to bottom lane with Fear Beyond death. Post 13, Urgot is probably one of the strongest duelists in the game allowing you to split push well. With teleport, you can apply pressure to a side lane and still join your team when a fight breaks out.

A strong summoner for almost any champion, and Urgot is no exception. Beyond the general power of Flash, Urgot has a unique interaction that can surprise foes if done right. During the wind up for Urgot’s E, you can flash. Similar to gragas body slam flash, it can surprise people as it basically extends the range of your E. Flash is also amazing in teamfights when you successfully get off Mercy and then flash into the enemy team for a huge AOE fear. I think the strongest set up for mid lane Urgot is probably Flash Ghost since TP isn’t necessary if your top laner already has it. I still run ghost teleport mid lane, but that is just my preference. Also, just because it isn’t my favorite choice for summoner skills, doesn’t mean you will not prefer Flash over Ghost, so just experiment with the two skills to see what works best for you.

Urgot already has a ton of kill pressure and damage, so ignite seems like overkill. I would rather have the safety and split power that Teleport gives or the extra mobility that Flash gives.
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Currently my favorite Rune on Urgot as it helps Urgot’s Q poke harder, and can proc multiple times over the course of an all in. The AOE from your passive is also a reasonable size and can often proc Aery while farming. The damage per Aery proc may not be much, but combined with Scorch and cheap shot, it can be quite punishing. Against squishy targets, a Q + a passive proc can take off 30-40% of their life even before you complete black cleaver. I also really like the adaptive damage that the sorcery tree provides and really like the secondary runes in this tree. Aery or Comet (need to try out comet more) are the ideal choices if your playstyle is poke heavy like mine.

Press the attack
The favorite rune for most Urgot players it seems and with good reason. It is very easy to get off on Urgot since his W shots count as auto attacks. Land a skillshot, pop w, and press the attack is up and running in 1 second flat. The bonus damage is nice, and making the target take 12% more damage from all sources makes this a useful option in teamfights as well. The main reason I don’t take PTA is because it is strongest on players that like to aggressively push for all in’s when my preference is to poke. I also don’t really like the secondary runes in this tree, and AS just isn’t great on Urgot due to its lack of effectiveness on Purge.

Similar to Aery, this is a great choice if you like a poke heavy playstyle. I haven’t experimented much with it, but from what I have seen from other players, it is really easy to land the comet if you can land your Q. When I get a chance, I will spam this rune and see how effective it is compared to Aery.

Kleptomancy is surprisingly decent on Urgot, but unfortunately, it does not treat your passive like an ability, even though Maokai’s passive does, so getting proc’s on it isn’t as easy as I would like. Still, in my tests, I had great success in passive/easy lanes where I didn’t need more damage to win the lane. The gold adds up and since Urgot spikes hard at level 13, the more you have at that point, the scarier you are. Still, in the end, I prefer to make money off killing my opponents, so I opt for a more damage oriented rune.

Fleet footwork
This was my favorite rune before the runes were reworked as the extra sustain and mobility are both quite valuable on Urgot. It is still a nice choice, but I feel like more damage/tankiness is what you want and there are better runes for that. Also, just like I mentioned for PTA, I just don’t really like the secondary runes in this tree.

A fantastic choice if you are going to bring Urgot into the jungle as it essentially acts like a second ghost and it has brought me great success there. Once you are next to a target, you don’t need the speed anymore anyway, so losing it after you use an ability doesn’t feel like a problem. I don’t think this is a good option if you plan on laning with Urgot though as it really is much better on champions that like to roam.

Dark Harvest
An interesting choice, but there are better options out there. It provides a scaling on hit proc that can be used up to twice per cannon wave if you do things right. Cannon waves start out at once every minute and a half, which means an overall proc rate of once every 45 seconds if you even manage to get both procs off. At that rate, Comet just seems better. As the game goes on, the cannon waves spawn every minute/30 seconds, but I don’t really know how good it is when you are grouping up. I would say use it in the jungle, but Predator is just so damn good on Urgot in the jungle. Maybe I need to experiment more with this option, but I feel like it is not worth it.

Very easy to Proc on Urgot, but a really long CD makes me hesitate to use it. I prefer more consistent damage.

Phase Rush
Currently not worth using on Urgot as it lacks the slow resistance that would make it useful. If the PBE updates go live giving ranged champions 75% slow resistance, might be worth taking as a strong chase/split pushing tool.

Grasp of the Undying
Since Urgot counts as a ranged champion, it is half as effective on him. Hard pass.

A very strong choice for a defensive teamfight focused rune. Probably my second favorite rune as it provides some damage when you land your E (making it useful in the laning phase) while providing a significant bonus to armor and magic resist that will turn you into an unkillable monster in teamfights.

Glacial augment
Glacial augment works like a poor man's Frozen Mallet, slowing targets on hit for a few seconds. Since Frozen Mallet is a strong item on Urgot, it stands to reason that Glacial Augment would also be good. In the end though, I don't use Glacial Augment for the same reason I don't use Frozen Mallet. The slow is mainly useful in the laning phase or for split pushing where it allows you to always have a speed edge for chasing or running away. I prefer to be faster than my foes through Ghost and Righteous Glory. They may have long cooldowns, limitations that Glacial Augment and Frozen mallet don't have, but they are superior for teamfighting, which is how I prefer to carry games. If you prefer to split push, then Glacial Augment may be better for you.

Notable Secondary Runes:
Precision Tree
Triumph is a powerful choice on tanks and bruisers as your effective health thanks to tanky items and Urgot's powerful shield makes it already very difficult to kill you. 12% may not seem like that much, but it can turn the tide of a fight, especially after you execute a target with Fear Beyond Death. In the precision tree, this is one of the best options to go for.
Presence of Mind isn't terrible on Urgot early, as Urgot can run into mana problems during the laning phase. I prefer to mitigate my mana problems by getting a Glacial Shard and using teleport.
Legend: Tenacity is probably the best rune in the Precision tree for Urgot. Being a low mobility bruiser means he is quite susceptible to hard CC. Being able to ignore CC using Disdain can only do so much when the enemy team has multiple forms of hard CC/peel, and Legend: Tenacity can give you 20% tenacity, that can stack with Merc Treads for even greater effect. If you pick the Precision Tree make sure this is one of the runes you grab.
Coup de Grace seems like the only halfway decent choice for Urgot in Slot 3. I say this because Fear Beyond Death requires your target be below 25% health, and Coup de Grace can help you get there. I would still say to avoid taking it unless your Keystone is PTA or Fleet Footwork.

Domination Tree
Cheap shot is a surprisingly powerful choice on Urgot. Any time you land your Q or your E and follow it with an auto attack or W, it will deal true damage. Cheap shot also has a short cooldown, allowing you to get it off almost any time you land your CC. If you like to poke, Cheap shot is your best choice for slot 1.
Sudden Impact provides lethality, a very powerful stat on Urgot, anytime you use disdain and land any damage within 3 seconds. A strong choice if you like to aggressively go for all-in's.
Zombie Ward helps mitigate one of Urgot's biggest weaknesses, which is early game ganks. It means that you won't just lose vision when your river wards die off. A very powerful rune if you can afford to slot it.
Ghost Poro can be nice, but I often find myself sitting in brushes that I don't want vision in, removing well placed Ghost Poro's. I prefer Zombie Ward.
Ravenous Hunter works relatively well on Urgot, as his passive counts as an ability (in most cases, need to verify this), and any healing is good to have on a tanky champion. Urgot is also a heavily spell focused AD champion, making this a natural choice.
Ingenious Hunter can be quite powerful, if not for the fact that Righteous glory tends to be your second or third completed item, and probably the only one you will get with an active CD. If you also like to build Youmuu's or Randuin’s, it can be a strong pick.

Sorcery Tree
Nullifying Orb works like a poor man's hexdrinker providing another shield that works exclusively against magic damage. Since Urgot is a tank, this is a fantastIc choice when your lane opponent does primarily magic damage or the enemy team has multiple magic damage based carries.
Manaflow Band provides reasonable mana sustain and Urgot is a mana hungry champion in the laning phase. Still, I prefer to mitigate that problem with teleport and by buying Glacial Shard early.
The Ultimate Hat is my favorite choice for slot 1 in the Sorcery tree. It reduces your ultimates CD by up to 15% which can be huge. Since I rush CDR to try to get Urgot to 40% quickly, it means that Fear Beyond Death will be at a whopping 55% CDR. At max rank, it already has quite a short CD, which will bring it to a ridiculously short 31 seconds. It means you can just toss it out there as an initiation tool instead of an execute, knowing that if it misses, you don’t need to wait long for it to be back up. Frequently, in the late game, fights can drag on and you can even get to use it twice over the course of a fight.
Transcendance is my favorite for slot 2 by far. Urgot is a spell casting AD champion, so cooldown reduction is huge, even though it no longer affects your passive. The biggest thing it gives though is item build flexibility. Since Black Cleaver gives 20% CDR and a lot of tank items also give CDR, in the past, I would get to 50% CDR almost every game when it got late enough. Now that extra CDR just turns into damage which is awesome! It means that I can finish my build with Frozen heart if the enemy team is mostly physical damage and gain both offensive and defensive stats off of it.
Celerity is another strong choice for Urgot. Being a low mobility bruiser, anything that provides mobility is nice.
Scorch is a truly amazing rune that helps grant Urgot fearsome poke in the laning phase. The fact that is also procs off your passive makes it incredibly easy to get off and allows you to shred your foes life totals with ease.
Gathering storm in theory sounds nice on A champion like Urgot who’s power spikes hard in the mid-late game. The thing is, you really don’t need more damage at that point. Once you hit 13 and have black cleaver, you should do more than enough damage to kill anyone given the opportunity. I would rather have a rune that helps Urgot make it to level 13 stronger/faster.

Resolve Tree
Unflinching is a really nice rune for a low mobility bruiser like Urgot, especially if you run ghost. When you pop ghost, it gives you a total of 25% (or 35% if tp is on CD) slow resist (which stacks with Purge’s slow resist) and 16.5% tenacity (or 18% if tp is on CD). This is really powerful if the enemy team has a lot of peel/CC when teamfight break out. That said, I still prefer Demolish.
Demolish allows you to take down towers with exceptional speed. Being a lane bully, you will frequently push waves into the tower, giving you the opportunity to use Demolish to take out large chunks of the towers life. Tower first blood is a significant payout both for yourself, and the team. In the mid-late game, it allows your team to siege down towers with incredible speed, as your innate tankiness is converted into extra tower damage. It also makes your split push far more threatening, as you can take down towers in the blink of the eye. In the end, the game is about taking objectives, so anything that helps your team do it faster is a blessing.
Iron Skin is the ideal choice if you are laning against a physical damage based champion. Having the armor during the laning phase could be the difference between winning trades and not, even if it does not seem like much. If you are not laning against a physical damage champion, then Conditioning may be a better choice. Hard to say whether it is better than Revitalize if you only get to choose one, as Demolish/Unflinching should always be your first rune from this tree.
Mirror shell sounds nice, but you should only take it if the enemy team does not have a proper ADC or physical damage carry on the team. In teamfights, the enemy ADC will likely be the largest threat to your life, with few exceptions (champions like Kayle and Corki for example).
Conditioning is a solid choice if you are not laning against a physical damage champion, as it will give greater benefits than Iron Skin post 10 minutes, when you might actually interact with a physical damage champion. Just like I said for Iron Skin, it is tough to say whether this is stronger than Revitalize if you only get to pick 2 secondary runes.
Overgrowth increases your maximum health by a minor percentage for each minion that dies. More tankiness sounds nice, but the overall health buff feels really minor.
Revitalize is my favorite option here. It increases healing, which you will have quite a bit of thanks to cull/doran’s blade, and shielding, which Purge provides quite a bit of. The number is relatively small, but really adds up over time.
Second Wind provides a small percentage of missing health as healing any time you take damage. I never really noticed the healing when I took this rune.

Biscuit Delivery felt like the only real option in slot 1 that made any sense for Urgot since I don’t take flash, and don’t build any items that take advantage of the stopwatch item. Taken with Kleptomancy, Biscuit Delivery felt quite nice as you occasionally got extra biscuits. Good healing and the bonus mana was quite useful.
Magical Footwear is a nice option if you can handle not having boots until the 10 minute mark. I like getting boots early as Urgot lacks mobility, so I never really liked this option.
Future’s Market is a mixed bag. It gives you the ability to complete items you would otherwise not be able to afford, but costs 50 gold each time you use it. Really hard to tell if it was worth it, though sometimes, it was the difference between completing a Black Cleaver and not, and that is a big deal.
Cosmic Insight is my personal favorite option in this tree. Since Urgot is an AD based spell caster, the extra CDR felt nice (especially so with Ultimate Hat). Extra CDR on Ghost/Teleport and Righteous Glory just makes this too good to pass up if you take the Inspiration Tree.
Approach Velocity is a nice option since almost everything you do on Urgot starts with your Corrosive Charge. If it were an option in Slot 1 or Slot 2 I would take it every time.
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As a general rule, I start with Cull and a potion. On my first back, I like to buy either Glacial Shroud or Specter’s Cowl depending on what type of damage my lane opponent deals. If I can’t afford either item, I tend to buy a Doran’s Blade. I then buy boots, usually upgrading it to Ninja Tabi, before building Black Cleaver. If things aren’t going well in lane, I will either build a bramble vest or upgrade my Specter’s Cowl into Adaptive helm before building Black Cleaver. If you are more aggressive in your playstyle, rushing Black Cleaver before any defensive items may suit you more. After completing Black Cleaver, I like to buy bramble vest or upgrade my Specter’s Cowl into Adaptive helm if I didn’t do that earlier, then build defensive items for the type of damage I didn’t do first if the enemy team has a carry that does that damage. Then I complete Righteous Glory followed by Thornmail. I then finish the build with a situational item depending on the enemy team comp (usually Warmog’s, Frozen Heart, or Maw of Malmortias).

Item choices explained:
Cull is what I start on Urgot every game for every matchup unless I jungle on Urgot. Normally, this item is situational, but thanks to a special interaction Urgot has, it is just amazing. Urgot’s W will apply Cull’s healing on each shot, making a full Purge heal for 36 health. The fact it also generates gold just makes this item too good to pass up on.

Doran’s blade is another strong choice on Urgot since it gives a lot of stats Urgot likes for the laning phase (damage, health, healing). If I don’t have enough money to buy a Glacial Shard, upgraded boots, or specter’s cowl on my first back, I usually buy Doran’s blade.

Doran’s shield is another strong option for starting items on Urgot. It provides a lot of early tankiness, and even some damage too. Still, I can’t in good conscience take it when Cull is just so damn good on Urgot.

Black Cleaver is probably the most critical item to get on Urgot. It provides some health, some damage, an on hit/kill movement speed buff, 20% CDR, and armor shred. It is normally a difficult item to get max stacks on, but thanks to Urgot’s Purge, you can usually fully stack it in less than 1.5 seconds. Combined with the fantastic damage Urgot’s passive gives, this item is the only damage item you need. You don’t necessarily need to complete it first (and I usually don’t), but it is a must buy.

Righteous Glory is the best item to buy if you like to teamfight (and I do). It provides armor, mana, CDR, and an active movement speed buff/slow. Not only does the movement speed buff help you get close, it lets you start circling your prey so you can hit them with multiple shotgun knees. Combined with the slow, you can eviscerate most foes with little they can do but wait for the sweet embrace of death. With Ghost, there are few champions that can escape you.
In the laning phase, I tend to complete Glacial Shard early to mitigate Urgot’s reliance on mana. In teamfights, Righteous Glory allows you to flank, or just run right up to the backline and pick off a carry.

Adaptive helm is probably the best magic resist item in the game for Urgot. It gives solid health and Magic Resistance with a pretty powerful unique stat that reduces all forms of repetitive magic damage. Usually, this is the only magic resist item you need, as it’s defensive stats combined with Purge’s shield tend to handle magic damage based carries. Maw of Malmortias and Spirit Visage are both effective choices, but Adaptive helm is the superior choice in most cases in my opinion.

Thornmail is my personal favorite armor item right after Righteous Glory. Since it is usually the enemy Marksman that is your biggest threat in teamfights, it lessons their ability to hurt you while stopping them from sustaining and also using their own damage against them. In the end though, items like Randuin’s Omen and Frozen Heart are effective choices as well, and it mostly boils down to playstyle/enemy team comp.

Warmogs armor makes a fantastic build finisher for lane Urgot, and a fantastic third item for jungle Urgot. In lane, I like to get it after I have a ton of resistances to make the health it gives more effective. It is also a great final item so that when late game teamfights drag on, it gives you the ability to back off, heal up, then go in for another round. With this finishing off your build, your Purge shield can easily hit 800 health. The reason I like this as a third or fourth item for jungle Urgot is that it stacks nicely with Cinderhulk allowing you to get a massive shield in the mid game.

Randuin’s omen is a strong alternative to thornmail. It has better defensive stats, and an active slow, though it is redundant if you already have Righteous Glory. My preference is for the added offensive power Thornmail provides, but your playstyle may opt for a stronger defensive choice and Randuin’s gives that.

Spirit Visage is a decent choice if you take Fleet Footwork, but otherwise it just doesn’t provide much with its passive healing bonus. Eventually you will sell Cull/doran’s blade losing the last of your healing items. Adaptive helm is just better in every way. I would prefer Maw of Malmortias if I deem a second magic resist item necessary.

Death’s Dance is a trap! Don’t buy it if you like to win. The idea of becoming a leech tank is appealing, but very few champions can pull it off, and Urgot simply isn’t one of them. Black Cleaver is the only damage item you need, and pretty much any tank item will make you more durable than Death’s Dance. Trust me, I tried to make this item work for weeks before I recognized I was performing better simply building tank items after Black Cleaver.

Cinderhulk is my preference when taking Urgot in the Jungle. Since this isn’t an Urgot jungle guide, I will simply leave it at that.

Maw of Malmortias is a great option if you want a bit more damage to go with your magic resistance. If the enemy team has enough magic damage burst, but with little of it being repetitive enough to trigger Adaptive helms passive, this is a great choice. If the enemy team is primarily magic damage, Maw makes a great item to finish a build with.

Frozen Hammer is a great choice if you want to primarily split push with Urgot. The health it provides is significant, and the on hit slow almost guarantees that once you lock onto a target, you will always be faster than them. Since Urgot is one of the strongest duelists in the game post 13, it usually means that once you auto a target, they are screwed. The reason why I don’t get it, is that I prefer to teamfight, and Righteous Glory is far superior for that objective.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade is probably the only offensive item I would consider building after Black Cleaver. Lethatlity makes Urgot’s incredibly punishing damage even more devastating against squishy targets. In addition, it provides out of combat mobility with a powerful active speed buff. I still rarely get this item, as Black Cleaver does all the damage you need already, and Righteous Glory provides all the movement speed you need. If I am far ahead in lane, I sometimes build Youmuu’s to really snowball my advantage.

Frozen Heart is another situational item to finish your build with. The armor it provides is excellent and the attack speed reduction aura stacks with Thornmail/Randuin making it a powerful choice against enemy teams with multiple fed auto attack based champions. With Transcendence, the CDR gets converted into bonus AD making the mana be the only useless stat (since you have more than enough by the time you buy this item).

Mortal Reminder is a situational item I build very rarely. There are certain matchups where I feel that building Executioner’s calling is a must (Vladimir and Dr. Mundo for example). If the enemy team has a Soraka and no one else on our team is building Executioner’s calling, I may get it as well for the good of the team. Otherwise, I never build it as once again, Black Cleaver is all the damage you need.

Ninja Tabi is probably the most common upgrade I choose for boots. Since the enemy Marksman is usually the biggest threat in teamfights, the % damage reduction on auto attack makes this the ideal choice for most games.

Merc Treads is another great choice for boots upgrade. At the start of each game, I look at the enemy team and see how much hard CC they have that is not a knock up or suppression and decide then if Merc Treads makes sense. Since Urgot can already ignore CC thanks to Disdain, they need to have quite a bit to convince me to get Merc Treads, but that happens about 30-40% of games.

Boots of Swiftness would be amazing if the slow resistance worked on the slow that Purge applies to Urgot, but unfortunately, that is not the case, so I never buy this item.

Boots of Mobility is not a good choice for lane Urgot. In the jungle, though, it can be quite nice.
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Level 1
I normally start with a point in my W and try to sneak into the brush closest to the enemy tower. There is no champion in the game that can beat you level 1 when you have your W and all your shotgun knees available (Darius with fervor of battle used to be able to, but now that fervor is gone, no one can) so show no fear when you walk in those brushes. I try to give vision in my jungle in case the enemy jungler tries to steal a buff before trying to sneak into the brush around the 1 minute mark as that is the nice thing to do for your team. Once in the brush, be patient as enemy top laners may walk into the brush blindly and offerup the best trade possible. Pop your purge and try to get as many passive procs off that you can. It may even be possible to get a kill by popping ghost if you get all your shotgun knees off. If they arrive with the wave, wait for minions to settle before looking to go in for a trade as you don’t want the minion aggroing before you get close to your lane opponent. Try to wait until you are right next to your opponent or are sufficiently far enough away from the minions so as to not waste shotgun knees on the minions when they do aggro onto you. Once you have gotten off as many passive procs off as you can, back off and start farming.
From here on out, remember that harassing your opponent is important, but not as important as farming. If you can get your passive procs on your lane opponent without missing farm, do it as the damage is significant even now, and you won't waste the damage on minions. If you can hit level 2 before your lane opponent, while either not pushing out the wave, or guaranteeing that you will be able to push it into the tower on the second wave, do it. You may get an opportunity to go for an all in immediately upon leveling up that can get a kill/flash or force your lane opponent to back before the enemy jungler can come gank.

Level 2
At level 2, I put a point in Disdain to give me safety from possible jungle ganks. At this point and until I have some tankiness, I only use Disdain for three reasons. One, if the enemy is low enough for an all in to get a kill or force a summoner spell. Preferably only if I have a ward set up or know that the enemy Jungler is not near. Two, if they are pushing past the river and I think I get off a strong trade even. Even if the enemy Jungler might be near, you should be safe, though that depends on how close you are to your own tower. Three, to escape ganks. Timing Disdain well can help you survive the most vicious ganks, sometimes without even needing to pop ghost. If either the top laner or enemy jungler have hard CC, try to time it so the wind up from Disdain eats the CC. Frequently, if you do that well, the follow up damage will wiff entirely as they will aim at where they CCed you instead of where you end up, ruining the gank.

Level 3-5
From here on out, I put every point I can in Q, and Urgot’s ability to harass starts taking a vicious toll on the lane opponent. Conserve your mana by only using your Q on your lane opponent, or to get farm you would otherwise miss. Try not to hit minions you can't last hit with your Q as you really don’t want to be pushing at this point unless you can shove the wave immediately into the tower. If you can farm and harass with the same corrosive shot, go for it. In general, I try to predict when the opponent will go for a last hit and throw my Q then. It is harder to dodge (they will be distracted) and it will force them to choose between farming and keeping healthy. If you can, try to follow your Q with an auto/shotgun knee for some serious burst. The same rules for Disdain apply now, so only use them in the three situations outlined under the Level 2 section above.

Level 6
This is a huge power spike for Urgot and your kill potential goes through the roof. At this point, the enemy effectively has 25% less health as long as you can land your ultimate. If you get your opponent down to 50% health, look for any opportunity to go all in as long as you have a few shotgun knees up. If you can land your Q->E->R, you should easily get a kill. If they are down to 35-40% health, I sometimes just toss my ult and pop ghost to try to run them down and kill them during the 4 seconds the ultimate is up. Often, even a flash won't be enough to save them. Even if you get ganked going for this, as long as you get Mercy off, the 1.5 second fear will likely save you from the gank.
It is also at this point that your teleport becomes a powerful offensive tool in bottom lane. If the enemy bot lane pushes out and a ward is in position, tp ganks can easily get kills, especially if you have ghost and your ultimate up. From here on out, look to see if you can make a tp gank to snowball other lanes.

At this point, you can start getting bolder as you should have a few items under your belt. Not too bold though, unless you have a few kills under your belt, as Urgot isn’t Urgod until he is 13. This is also the point where you really want to take out the tower if you haven’t done so yet. If you are afraid of ganks, or your lane opponent is turtling, you can also look to roam mid or into the enemy jungle as you should be strong enough to 1v1 most junglers unless they are fed.
Once the tower is down, you should look to help your team push for objectives like Dragon, Rift Herald and mid tower.

You finally made it to the strongest point in the game for Urgot. You have your Q and W maxed, and your passive has an insane 2.5 second cooldown, ensuring that any trade now will involve at least 3 shotgun procs. Depending on your playstyle, you have two strong options, split push or teamfight. I normally choose the teamfight option, as I like to carry in the 5v5, but Urgot can easily split push too at this point.
If you prefer to splitpush, make sure to ward well and back away if too many enemies are missing from the map. You are now one of the strongest duelists in the game, and can even 1v3 in certain circumstances (, but don’t die pointlessly. Proper split pushing relies on good wards, and waiting for your team to get into position to siege/take an objective. If they send 3 or 4 to take you, its ok as long as your team gets a Dragon or a tower for it. If it looks like a teamfight is going to break out, try to tp in unless it looks like a lost cause. In those cases, try to quickly take a tower and get out before they regroup to kill you.
If you prefer to teamfight, only go to a sidelane to quickly shove and let your team know you will be rejoining them soon with pings. Hopefully, you have Righteous Glory at this point, but even if you don’t there is still a lot you can do. Try to position yourself between the enemy front line and your carries. Your damage can easily eviscerate a tank thanks to your passive/Black Cleaver, and Disdain can be used to peel quite effectively. If your team has a strong initiator, wait for them to go in and look to isolate and murder a carry or help them with whatever target they go for. If your team does not have a strong initiator, you can initiate a fight as long as your team isn’t too far behind. If you can land your Q or your ultimate on a backline carry, pop your ghost and/or righteous glory and go for it. If you can get next to the target you hit, you should be able to eliminate them in 2 seconds flat. As usual, try to time your Disdain to ignore enemy CC when you go in. Even if you can’t get in or kill a target, you may cause so much chaos in the attempt that your teammates can do enough damage to win the fight. If they focus and kill you, it will take a while as you should be tanky both from items, and Purge, so hopefully your team can follow up. You can also initiate fights with a strong flank thanks to Ghost/Righteous Glory/Fear Beyond Death. This is riskier, as it requires your team to be somewhat coordinated or you can find yourself getting killed before the fight really breaks out. Teamfighting with Urgot is not that straightforward, but with practice, you can grind up even the strongest enemy team comps.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author flyingbaklava
flyingbaklava Urgot Guide
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