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Graves Build Guide by xXxSHURIKENxXx

Full AD Graves

Full AD Graves

Updated on January 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXxSHURIKENxXx Build Guide By xXxSHURIKENxXx 12,713 Views 0 Comments
12,713 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xXxSHURIKENxXx Graves Build Guide By xXxSHURIKENxXx Updated on January 5, 2012
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Graves Full AD build

Read this and be shure to check the link in the end !

1ST of all i wold like to thank you for reading and i wold like you to rate and comment no matter what your opinion is . I really like Graves because he is a high DMG ranged carry with nice mobility and survival skills . He and nocturne are the only champions who can "Blind" there oponents literally and his "Blind" also slows MS . With that sayed i thenk it could have slowed a bit more then it actually does , being his w is the last skill to max in any build or order . With my build i aim at PURE AD with almost no DEF stats . If you have a good team with someone who really knows how to tank and engage you will be the main source of DMG in any case with ebough power and armor pen to take down any foe in secunds . If you dont have a good tank and dont feel confident about your skill as Graves , better not try this build , but if you are get ready for some heavy DMG and loads of fun !

P.S. Graves is a good AD champion and wold be grate in what i call ARENA MODE. Take a look and tell me what you think :)

P.P.S. 1st Guide - Rate and comment .
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I like to have all out DMG with ADs like him so i go 25/4/0
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If you farm well (and get a kill or 2) and get your BF Sword within 10-12 min in to the game . farmng after that is easy as pie . Q + w and if the creaps are not dead by then they will be easy to clean with your Attack Speed .
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Summoner Spells

I get Ignite and Flash. Ignite if for getting early kills while flash is good to catch up or run if yout "E" is on Cooldown .
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Creeping / Jungling

if you are on Mid lain i have a strategy for counterjungle . If you are doing good or flatout dominating your lain , push the lain to there tower (if noone is SS ) and go there jungle for there wraiths . If you are fast enough ( and have enough dmg ) you might be able to kill them with Q + W + a basic attack for the big one for some extra gold and you screw up there jungler's path . And if he catches you in both cases you can juke with e thrye the thin wall.
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Team Work

If you have to pull your teammate's golem be shure to do so with your Q , so you hit the small lizards . Reason is it will be easyer to take out for the jungler with some AOE like Nocturne's pasive or amumu's "W" and "E".
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Graves is one of the best AD carrys in the game with his mobility and burst skills . I give him a 9.5/10 . He has awesome dmg awesome mobility but hes slow is not enough for what its worth. I think that is all and thank you for reading.

P.S. Check out my ARENA MODE idea and if you like it shere with your buds. Lets make this hapen , because League of Legends needs more modes and wold find milions of players by trying new stuff like that.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXxSHURIKENxXx
xXxSHURIKENxXx Graves Guide
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Full AD Graves

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