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Poppy Humor Guide by Souul Reaper

Glass Cannon Poppy

Glass Cannon Poppy

Updated on January 16, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Souul Reaper Build Guide By Souul Reaper 3,687 Views 0 Comments
3,687 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Souul Reaper Poppy Build Guide By Souul Reaper Updated on January 16, 2012
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This is just a fun and impractical build. Do not take this seriously or try it in real life. It costs about 24,000 Gold.

P.S. Make sure to take Red, Blue and Baron buffs. Good luck.
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Summoner Spells

Surge: Attack Speed and Ability Power.
Ignite: True Damage and Grievous Wound.
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Offense: 30.
Defense: 0.
Utility: 0.

30/0/0. Maximum late-game damage.
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Marks: Attack Damage @ 18 (Max AD).
Glyphs: Ability Power @ 18 (Max AP).
Seals: Gold Per 10 (to get 24k).
Quintessences: Movement Speed (no boots).
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Rabadon's Deathcap (3600): Lots of Ability Power.
Hextech Gunblade (3625): Lifesteal and Spellvamp with a ranged Slow.
Phantom Dancer (2845): So much Speed.
Trinity Force (4070): Best item on Poppy. Ever.
Infinity Edge (3830): Critical OP-ness.
Madred's Bloodrazor (3800): iKill Tanks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Souul Reaper
Souul Reaper Poppy Guide
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Glass Cannon Poppy

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