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If u are against a physical carry like Vayne you must take a point inat level 1, then max the and immediately after that (but take 1 point in level 2). Take every posible time. Max last.
Or agains champions with small mobility max first then and together, take a point in whenever you can. Take a point in every basic ability in the first 3 levels.
Or agains champions with small mobility max first then and together, take a point in whenever you can. Take a point in every basic ability in the first 3 levels.
You can take "Ignite (against champions with "Heal") " or "Exhaust (against high mobility champions) " + "Flash" if you will play more aggressive, or take "Heal (against high damage champions or junglers like Alistar or Lee Sin) " or "Ghost (for catching the enemies or for escaping from dangerous situations) ".
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