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Graves Build Guide by Suicideall14

Graves AD guide

Graves AD guide

Updated on February 13, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Suicideall14 Build Guide By Suicideall14 3,742 Views 0 Comments
3,742 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Suicideall14 Graves Build Guide By Suicideall14 Updated on February 13, 2012
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Intro: Graves

Hello all,

This is my first guide. I hope you will find it usefull and don't be to hard on me.
Graves is a great fun champion if at least you know the ropes. In my opinion Graves has great potential of being the best champion of League of legends.
Before you start playing this guide there are somethings I need to say.
- You don't have tu start with Doran's Blade, Boots of Speed and a few health potions will do perfectly.
- The second bloodthirster is also replaceable by another Phantom Dancer
- This build is mostly made for solo mid. But I'm sure it will also work out perfectly on a lane
-Graves is most certainly not to be overestimated
-Use your heal as a savior in a one-on-one fight!

Thanks for using this guide and I hope it will be useful!

So long 'till my next guide,

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Summoner Spells

Why did I pick these summoner spells. I can hear your thoughts. "Why heal on an AD carry?" "Heal is for noobs isn't it?" Well my answer is no, it's not for noobs. I take heal for early game, when you are mid, you try to get low on healthpoints, and then you go in the counterattack. By using your Quickdraw to emerge you follow your attack by a Buckshot and when the target bites the bait, you pop your heal, causing you to get your kill and the enemy to die.
Ignite is seen as a must nowadays. I basically use it your lategame when you have tanky enemies against you. Most of the tanks do regen alot of healthpoints ingame. This is where you use your ignite spell to counter that.
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Team Work

Your role in the game is mainly dealing damage, but using your Quickdraw Graves also makes a great kiter. Kiting around enemies with Quickdraw while others may take him down is one way to defeat him. Another way is to let your team go in first and let you dive in a few moments later because as you'll all know the carry gets focused alot.
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Farming is, like on most of all the champions, essential. You need to take all the last hits on your solo mid lane and when ganking other lanes I'd reccommend you to raid the jungle on your way there. Last hitting is not hard on Graves, just make sure you have started with a Doran's Blade.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Suicideall14
Suicideall14 Graves Guide
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Graves AD guide

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