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Graves Build Guide by darkgen2

Graves - Do You Like my 105mm?

Graves - Do You Like my 105mm?

Updated on February 8, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author darkgen2 Build Guide By darkgen2 9,237 Views 17 Comments
9,237 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author darkgen2 Graves Build Guide By darkgen2 Updated on February 8, 2012
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Malcolm Graves was born in the back of a Bilgewater tavern and left there with a bottle of spiked milk. He survived a childhood in the pirate-run slums using every dirty trick in the book. Intent on building a new life for himself, he stowed away on the first ship to the mainland he could sneak aboard. However, the grim realities of the world forced him to eke out an unsavory living in the underground of various city-states, jumping the border whenever things got too hot. At a particularly high-stakes game of cards, he found himself seated opposite Twisted Fate. They both flipped four aces on the final hand. It was the first time either conman had met his equal. The two formed an alliance, swindling marks at the tables and scrapping back-to-back in the alleys afterward. Together, they ran the streets – stacking chips, decks, and charges.

Unfortunately Graves made the mistake of hustling a hefty sum from Dr. Aregor Priggs, a high-ranking Zaunite official and businessman. When Priggs discovered how he'd been played, he became obsessed with revenge. He learned about Twisted Fate's all-consuming desire to control magic and he promptly offered him a trade: serve Graves up in exchange for enrollment in a procedure which would grant his wish. Twisted Fate took the deal – both he and Graves knew the stakes of their arrangement, but the offer was too good. Once acquired, Priggs had Graves taken to a special location built to hold men whose crimes – or more precisely their punishments – were meant to stay off the books. Graves endured years of captivity at the hands of Zaun's most unscrupulous wardens before he managed to escape. One of his fellow detainees introduced him to an eccentric gunsmith who modified a shotgun exactly to his specifications. After he paid a visit to Priggs, Graves joined the League of Legends with two targets in his sights: Twisted Fate and payback.

''They got a saying in the locker: ain't got nothin' but time to plan.''
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Graves is best in mid game and line game with this RUNE and BUILD. REMEBER DONT SALLE DORAN`s BLADE!
Your main task its DMG!!! use E+Q+2(x)Attack+R
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Why are these runes? These runes help Gravis start the game, and then he finished it already.
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Masterios put on AD, we may ask why I put 25 \ 5 \ 0? in my build of things do not have to be protected.
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Be sure to start the game with Doran blade, maybe, he will give you a 100HP x 10 dmg is obtained at the start of your attack 84.Dalee at the first opportunity to buy second Doran blade. Ask why? He will give us another 100HP x 10 dmg and more than 6% Life steal. These two swords we sell at least when you do not have the free cells, and only then! Why two phantom Dancer? We need crits and AS (attack speed) when you buy the entire build, we will be 2.500 (max) and 90~% crit.
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Skill Sequence

E+Q+2(x)auto attack and enemmy have ~50%hp
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Summoner Spells

Recommended Summoner Spells
]Flash-Teleports your champion to target nearby location.
Both survival and chasing spell. You can avoid getting killed in a team fight if you positioning is poor or you can close up the distance between you and your enemies and caught them by surprise and maybe kill them or just harass them. Actually because the distance you move ain't that long i personally use it to pass through thick walls.
Exhaust-Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing movement speel by 40%, attack damage dealt by 70% and ability and item damage dealt b 35% for 3 seconds.
Pick this only if you love 1v1 or you go for offensive play style. Use it to save youself by casting in on the most dangerous enemy or you can save your allies by using it in a team fight on a hard melee carry or AP caster.
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Pros / Cons

*Excellent farming skills
*Great damage dealer
*Very easy to play
*Best in mid game
*Strong dmg
*Strong ult. skill

*Its slow
*only AOS dmg
*Target in team fights
*No reliable escape tactics
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Creeping / Jungling

Kill the creeps if possible, better do it you and not your enemy
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Team Work

Is behind the team, because you will be focusing primarily
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Warding Your Map

Places an invisible ward with 1100 range sight. Lasts 4.5 minutes, Max: 5 Stacks.

Gives your Champion stealth detection until they die.

Places an invisible ward with 1000 range Magical Sight (see invisible units). Lasts 3 1/2 minutes, Max: 5 Stacks.

Basically this section is a bit off topic. It's actually some hints about ward positioning in the 5v5 map. In other words some areas that must be controlled and checked during the game to ensure a better game, especially early. Blue team is down left and Purple team is up right. Buying Sight Ward is now cheaper than it used to be(they cost 75 gold each) and you can buy up to 5 in each space in your inventory. On the other hand Vision Ward cost 125 gold each and same goes for the slots. Here is the map with the areas marked followed by the pointers.
1)This area prevents incoming gangs from enemy junglers or top lane heroes.

2)This spot works like the first one. Prevents enemy gangs from jungler or bottom lane.

3)This may be one of the critical wards in the game. It keeps dragon safe.

4)This brush is usually warded early on by the support champion or later on by the jungler. It prevents your blue buff from getting killed by the enemy.

5)This location, like the 4th, is warded in order to protect and check on the red buff lizard.

6)This area spots incoming gangs from top or mid and keeps an eye on baron nashor.

7)This ward is a must for the bottom lane. If you don't have dragon ward it can keep you safe as long as you see the enemies coming.

8)Like the 7th ward this one is a must for top lane. Keeps you safe from incoming gangs.

thx. HoLyHiraKo
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League of Legends Build Guide Author darkgen2
darkgen2 Graves Guide
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Graves - Do You Like my 105mm?

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