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Graves Build Guide by ClosetHom0z

Graves Havin Fun

Graves Havin Fun

Updated on January 13, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ClosetHom0z Build Guide By ClosetHom0z 1,686 Views 0 Comments
1,686 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ClosetHom0z Graves Build Guide By ClosetHom0z Updated on January 13, 2012
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Chapter 1

Try to have an Support always with you that u can farm fast and safely creeps till u get 1650g and you go back, and buy B.F sword, and then go back to the lane, and farm to Berserker Greaves,

- There is an difference with boots of speed & Doran's Blade,
- Doran's blade is smart to buy if ur Support is able to heal you.
- Boots of speed is for Non healing support, etc Janna,lux,Leona.

Of my rune build i pick those coz of the Passive Graves get when he shoots and it activates a buff that gives Graves Magic Resistance & Armor, And My runes also have Armor Penetration so i don't need to start buying Last Whisper or Ghostblade to raise my Armor penetration, Coz ive survived with these runes I've used against any AD ranged.

- And if you wonder why i max Smoke Screen before Quick draw is that when i Mid game i wont be able to "One Shot" with my Buckshot the whole minion wave so i use Smoke Screen also to finish the whole lane at the same seconds, so i get the advantage against the other AD ranged on my lane. And it helps also when there is a Soraka at the lane with you, so you can spam your buckshot & smoke screen combo to harass the enemy.

- I've haven't had troubles against other Good AD ranged but one combo is annoying to Counter against, and its Sona & Ashe when they Harass you more then u get your Harass on em :(

This is my opinion on my Graves build. I hope you enjoyd it and tryd it ^^ Gief me comments. kkthxbb 8D

PS: My First Guide Ever ! :) gief comments what i could do better!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ClosetHom0z
ClosetHom0z Graves Guide
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