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Graves Build Guide by T0kEn the Chief

Graves on Fire

Graves on Fire

Updated on January 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author T0kEn the Chief Build Guide By T0kEn the Chief 3,196 Views 2 Comments
3,196 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author T0kEn the Chief Graves Build Guide By T0kEn the Chief Updated on January 4, 2012
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This guide shows you how to kill any Champion you want to :) During the help of extremely high critical damagen and enormous attack speed you can eliminate everyone...even very tanky champions. There is no more need for speels when you reach your full equipment. Graves is a very heavy and dangerous champion and not very hard to play. In combination with a good supporter Graves can easily control two champions at the same time. If a enemy champion comes near to you, you can attack him for three or four times which damages enemy champions very hard. An optimal supporter for Graves would be for excample Janna. With her hurricanes she can take enemy champions out of control and with Graves you can hit them without any danger.
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Runes are a very easy build. You just need Damage and Attack Speed to dominate from beginning. As another example you can tak critival damage instead of normal attack damage. In combination with Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
you have got a very high damage just from the beginning with over 80 at level 1.
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Masteries are fully concentrated to dominate and kill champions/towers. In addition to that there is an extra bonus (+10) when you attack turrets. Moreover you can see that there is an extra bonus (+4%) for critical damage.

+Attack Speed
+Cooldown Reduction
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Items are starting with Doran's Blade which gets you an life and Damage Bonus. In combination with your Runes you get damage + speed which allows you to control any single lane you want. After you baught Doran's Blade you can continue with Berserker's Greaves which increases your attack speed and supports last hitting of minions. After you baught your shoes you directly continue with B. F. Sword whioh increases your attack damage. After that you try to finish the Infinity Edge and continue with Vampiric Zepter and Zeal. The combination of theses two Items allows you to win more 1on1 situations because you heal very fast with the help of Vampiric Zepter. Moreover it provides you from going back everytime you are low TP. After that you finish Phantom Dancer to increase the chance for critical damage to nearly 60 %. To increase the damage of you crits you need Bloodthirster which increases your attack damage to the final 205. The number of 205 does not sound very high..But in combination with your high chance for critical damage you cann easily eliminate Skarner at Level 18 for excample ;)
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Skill Sequence

Concentrate on Q for last hitting. You need your "E" not often because your Runes get you a bigger Bonus. Use your "W" spell when you start a gank or when you are in a situation where you get focussed. Try to slow your enemy with the spell and get out of the action with your "E" and your "Flash"-Summoner Spell.

Ultimate: The fire grenade of Graves can easily deal very much damage to a dozen of enemy champions. But you have to use it only when a champion is getting out of range. So when someon is getting out of your normal burst range you can start your ultimate because it deals damage in a big circle behind the eyploison. So do not use your ulti to start a gank or something like that. Just use your "W" to slow enemys and addle enemy champions. Then start with your "Q" to deal the beginning damage and continue with your "E" to increase your attack speed and start auto hitting the champion. With the help of your enormous critical damage you can easily get the kill. If your chance of critical damage in the beginning of the match not very high, try to start a gank with another champion who can stun enemys while you deal the damage.

Some words to your "E" spell. In fact it is your most important spell in every phase of the game.It is a spell to surprise enemys in a gank situation, when you run out of a bush. Moreover it increases your attack speed enormonously. Furthermore, you can slow spell in conjunction with the "W" the enemy and bring the "e" spell more and more distance between themselves and opponents. With the flash in the Summoner Spell can finally escape from almost any situation. However, the spell will not geskillt because sufficient length is steady. By the phantom dancers finally obtained enough attack speed. Which would add even more, that one with the "E" Spell over smaller obstacles corners, and walls can easily skip. This can be useful if one pursues an opponent, as well as escapes from multiple opponents. You can also use the spell to escape from attacks. One can for example quickly from the Fiddlesticks, Lux or Anivia Ultimate escape.
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Pros / Cons

+Damage and critical damage
+High Movement Speed
+Last Hitting

-Easy get focussed
-Low Life
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Summoner Spells

You dont need Exhaust because your "W" slows enemy champions. Flash can easily gets you out of action when you get focussed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author T0kEn the Chief
T0kEn the Chief Graves Guide
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Graves on Fire

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