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Graves Build Guide by lr5t

Graves - one shot, one kill!

Graves - one shot, one kill!

Updated on January 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lr5t Build Guide By lr5t 5,603 Views 0 Comments
5,603 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lr5t Graves Build Guide By lr5t Updated on January 3, 2012
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everything you need to know!

-lots of dmg
-nice lifesteal
-can solo baron easly!

-low HP
-get targeted easy
-really cs dependent

summoner spells
-flash, followed by buckshot = beast! also great for escapes!
-ignite, for first-blood and getting that last dmg on running foes! also nice counter for tryndamyrs ulti.

start with buckshot and keep laning and harrassing till around lvl 11, then you can roam around and pick up kills or push.
to catch the opponent off gaurd use quickdraw to "jump" to your target and than buckshot.

we are aiming for HIGH damage, so the sooner you get your first bloodthirster, the sooner you can get it stacked.
also the crits from the phantom dancer and infinity edge makes you crit up to 1500! with your basic attacks!

the end
I kept this guide short! I hope you can fill in the blanks I left out.
nuff said. and good luck with graves!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lr5t
lr5t Graves Guide
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