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Graves Build Guide by stamir

Graves , the immortal

Graves , the immortal

Updated on November 13, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stamir Build Guide By stamir 4,672 Views 0 Comments
4,672 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author stamir Graves Build Guide By stamir Updated on November 13, 2011
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In this guide ill be showing you how i play Graves .
With this build you can own the battlefield !
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Runes That i show you give you lot of AD , AS , armour penetration , on early game you would really own the battlefield ! :D
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Masteries ... To Greaves you have to add AD masteries (Attack) you will deal more damage , have more attack speed , more EVERYTHING THAT IS IMPORTANT IN DAMAGE DEALER ! .
anyway those masteries are perfect for greaves ! dont agree ?
so try it ! :D
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Doran Blade - Of course the basic item on ad :D that gives you life steal , damage , and health :D really usefull on early game .

Berserker's Greaves - really usefull item that give you enchanted movement 2 ALSO 15% of Attack speed that is really important !

Infinity edge - Heading to infinity eadge with B.F sword and pickaxe ! +80 damage ! really lot ! look at infinity edge unique ! thats kick *** .

The Bloodthister - Giving 16% life steal and 60 Damage + ! with bloodthister and infinity edge you will deal tones of damage ! and have 16% of this come to you !

The Black cleaver - +55 damage an a SUPER UNIQUE :D

The Bloodthister - Give us more damage an MORE LIFE STEAL that will be 42% life steal that is amazing !
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Team Work

In Team work Greaves are really important ! shooting ultimate you can earn penta kill in team works or team fights ! thats a really good range champion ! also in team fights you can throw W that give you at least 1 kill because in range of W enemies cant see anything ! thats amazing !
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Farming is really important in Greaves The Outlaw . Thats why you need to add your abilities to Q first , that ability is really nice to farming ! BUT , on the mid or late game do not waste abilities on minions ! thats waste of mana that we need to use fighting someone !
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With this guide / build you will totally own the game ! dealing lot of damage , good stats WIN !

i hope that i help you with this champion ;D .
good luck summoners ! .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author stamir
stamir Graves Guide
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Graves , the immortal

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