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Graves Build Guide by Steven186

Graves: The mixed ad carry

Graves: The mixed ad carry

Updated on January 3, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Steven186 Build Guide By Steven186 2,296 Views 0 Comments
2,296 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Steven186 Graves Build Guide By Steven186 Updated on January 3, 2012
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Welcome to my Graves build. Graves is a all around mixed ad carry. A little about me: yes my name is Steven 186 like it is in LoL. I'm lvl 30 and have enjoyed league of legends for about 14 months.
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Summoner Spells

I get Exhaust because when u combo it with Quikdraw, u can own like a boss. I get ignite to simply finish of enemies during a fight.
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Graves needs the armor pen because if he gets fed a lot the enemies will build armor and health. I get ad marks to boost up early game. And last but not least I get armor and magic resist because if will apply to his passive
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I use dorans for the dmg and health, greaves with up his att speed and help him with his Quikdraw. I build lifesteal because it helpshim stay in the fight longer. I get a Phandom Dancer because I build IE late game. I build a 2nd bloodthirster to increase survival and solobaron once u get 40 adand 10 percent lifesteal on each Bloodthirster. then to build more tanky I get frozen mallet and sell my doran's blade
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Skill Sequence

I max his Q right away since it is the best dmg dealer that is not his ult. I max his W 2nd because it gives him massive att speed and allows him to go over short walls.
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Pros / Cons

1. is able to take down low health player in less the 5 hits
2. has great farming tactics
3. can jump threw small walls
1. low survival possibilities
2. his W does not jump threw all walls
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Team Work

Graves, being the ad carry, can very well take down or finish off low enemies for the team, yet take down heavy tanks once he has his IE and his ult is aeasy "pick up kills" tool.
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Creeping / Jungling

Around the time of finishing Bloodthrirster, I get red often.
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Overall, graves's unique skills help him in manyu ways. so go into the fieds or Justice and fight to destroy that Twisted Fate as many times as you can!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Steven186
Steven186 Graves Guide
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Graves: The mixed ad carry

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