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Ability Order
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
For runes I like to take 9 Greater Glyph of Shielding into the summoners rift. This will help you face the opposing supports initiations alot easier. 9 Greater Seal of Recilince is also helpful, this rune will help you last hit and win your trades. 9 Greater Mark of Desolation for armor pen because the support and adc will usually have a bit of armor and it works really great with Graves' passive. And last I like the Greater Quintessence of Strengh for the AD Boost this will help boost your base ad amount.
1. Graves is really great in early game.
2. His passive helps alot for better sustain and trades.
3. His abilities will help you dominate bot lane.
4. Using the proper runes when the opposing team ganks, you should be able to get away freely.
5. Graves is good with mainly all supports where as Draven or Corki are only good with a few.
6. If played right, late game will be horrifying for the enemy team.
1. Graves doesnt have alot of range.
2. If you don't have a good start with Graves, it will take alot to catch up.
3. Graves' abilities take alot of mana from you. Try to only use them in fights.
4. Graves is a VERY SLOW champion, if you have no wards. R.I.P
1. Graves is really great in early game.
2. His passive helps alot for better sustain and trades.
3. His abilities will help you dominate bot lane.
4. Using the proper runes when the opposing team ganks, you should be able to get away freely.
5. Graves is good with mainly all supports where as Draven or Corki are only good with a few.
6. If played right, late game will be horrifying for the enemy team.
1. Graves doesnt have alot of range.
2. If you don't have a good start with Graves, it will take alot to catch up.
3. Graves' abilities take alot of mana from you. Try to only use them in fights.
4. Graves is a VERY SLOW champion, if you have no wards. R.I.P
Graves is superb in early game, or late game fights. His capabilities of damage and armor / mr will counter the other team and will help you stride to victory and leave the other team thinking: What the **** was that.. Never go in with Graves to facecheck a bush if you do, it might be the last thing your face ever does..
Graves has alot of neat tricks. For instance, if you are duking it out with the opposing ad carry, it should be a sinch. All that it takes to put you over the top in that fight is this simple burst. First you Quickdraw into a bush, smoke screening your opponent, right after you smoke screen buckshot and then ult + ignite him and he should only be able to land a few basic attacks before he dies.
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