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Graves Build Guide by Torkuza

Graves » The Warning Shot Man «

Graves » The Warning Shot Man «

Updated on January 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Torkuza Build Guide By Torkuza 1,736 Views 0 Comments
1,736 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Torkuza Graves Build Guide By Torkuza Updated on January 14, 2012
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Chapter 1

Hi guys.
First of all, its my first Guide, but I considere myselft quit good in this game, so here my Build for Graves.

1. I pick in first Doran's Blade or Vampiric Scepter, both items are good early game.
2. Then i'll farm well in lane, wait till I got 1650 or more and buy B.F Sword.
3. After that, i'll buy quick some boots and turn them into Berserker Greaves.
4. After all that, hope you guys got some kills and,or assist.
5. Try to buy Phantom Dancer fast as you can.
6. Focus on Infinity Edge for Criticals.
7. Combine your' Vampiric Scepter and B.F Sword for a Bloodthirster.
8. Here is up to you, you may buy another Bloodthirster or Phantom Dancer, depends of you.
9. For more damage and easy kill the Tank, buy a Last Whisper.

So at the end you suposed to have :

2 Phantom Dancers, 2 Bloodthirster, 1 Infinity Edge and 1 Last Whisper.

Hope you enjoy it and if you need some tips or, you wanna tell me some, it's all god, leave them here.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Torkuza
Torkuza Graves Guide
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