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Ability Order
Martial Cadence (PASSIVE)
Jarvan IV Passive Ability
Chapter 1
this is not good on any kind of defense, if you try to hold attacks, u gonna die, but the attack speed is really insane, you will strike like an addicted, and with a lifesteal of 40 - 120 you will suck the life out from their bodies, thats so much, that you may recover life faster then you loose if you end in x1 with the enemy out of mana, that dont means you cant fight normal guys, but of course, agains magic attacks and so, you WILL loose some hp while attacking, but not a big problem, in this build theres heal for extreme times, and haves teleport, cause you live of killing, and if you just see 1, only 1 wave of mobs, you are gonna probably fill your hp
and remember, you will have a 60%+ critical chance, or in another words, more than half of your attacks will do 200% normal damage
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